11. Everything's changed

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(10th May)

You were woken up hours later by people shouting and lots of gunshots. Sitting up abruptly, you grabbed your supply bag and sprinted out of your tent.

Cars and trucks had burst into the Warehouse and men were jumping out of them, firing their weapons. You quickly sprinted and hid, you knew those cars and you knew who it was. Baehyun.

There were several loud punching sounds and you guessed the boys were being forcefully restrained. Footsteps approached you and you rag-dolled onto your front pretending to be dead. Making sure your face was covered by your elbow so you wouldn't be recognised.

The heavy footsteps passed you without a second glance and you sighed in relief. If Baehyun had come to take the Warehouse you really needed to leave, right now.

You crawled slowly and silently towards the back door. When you reached it you heard shouts and a voice you recognised as Taehyung's shouting.

You got halfway out the back door then felt the same guilty pulling feeling you had yesterday when you tried to abandon Jungkook.

Groaning, you took off your bag leaving it hidden and snuck back inside your bow now loaded with an arrow. You knew the first place you needed to go was the supply room, there were more guns in there and you needed more if you wanted to get the guys out of this alive.

You crept into the weapons room, the doorway was covered by a large piece of cloth so people raiding wouldn't know where to find it. You pushed open the door as quietly as you could. More footsteps sounded and you hurried inside closing the door quietly holding your breath. Just like the first person, they passed without suspicion.

You felt proud of yourself for being so sneaky.

You turned back to the room and saw it was pretty well stocked with guns and ammo. You smirked and picked up a big bag that was on the table in the centre of the room.

Quickly and quietly you began loading different guns and placing that quietly into the bag. You grabbed the only other two arrows, a pistol for each of the guys, three shotgun and sniper rifle you recognised as Taehyung's. You recognised all these guns from when this group had raided your old camp. That'd been a very chaotic evening.

You were about to leave when you spotted a smoke grenade and a makeshift grenade with knives and broken pairs of scissors sticking out of it. The devil on your shoulder smirked and you picked them up knowing they'd come in handy.

You placed the bag back behind the emergency back door with your first one and prepared your attack. Your plan was to get onto the balcony and shoot Baehyun, this would hopefully cause some chaos with the smoke and grenade. Hopefully it would be enough for your guys to escape unharmed.

You took a deep breath and crept back into the building. The voice of Baehyun was echoing through the Warehouse and you could hear every poisonous word.

"Yes, I've wanted this place for a long time..."

You stopped listening when you saw a guard stood in the entrance to the stairs, you snuck up behind him and shoved the dagger hard into his throat. You caught his body and lowered it gently to the ground.

"Sorry," You muttered then you quickly moved up the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible.

You killed another two on the way without detection but you knew it wouldn't long until one of the bodies was spotted.

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