37. No bullet in the head today

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(25th June)

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Jimin speeding down the road towards the Biters. As you got closer and closer your nerves were getting worse and your heart was pounding loudly. Your sweaty hands made holding the steering wheel difficult so you gripped it tightly. 

You were about 10 seconds away from going head-on into the first line of Biters, you noticed that they Biters were actually spread out quite a lot so you wouldn't be overrun as long as you didn't stop. 

With an enormous bump, the car hit the first Biter it flopped onto the bonnet of the car and rolled off. Biters began running over to the car trying to smash the windows in but you kept your foot on the accelerator to make their job harder. 

"You guys all good?" Jin asked on the walkie-talkies.

"Everything seems to be going alright," Namjoon replied, "If we keep at this pace we might be able to get past them without too much of a loss." 

"Yeah, let's not speak too soon-" 

"Y/N, LOOK OUT!" Jungkook cut Jin off as a fat Biter smashed into your window showering you in glass, some of it cut your hands. 

The Biter reached into the window and wrapped it's fat, dead hands around your shoulders and neck pulling you closer to the window. You screamed as a stabbing feeling pierced the side of your neck and shoulder. Hot blood started leaking down your left side. As the Biter tried harder to get out of the window you couldn't do anything but keep driving forward while the others held onto you and attempted to shoot it.

"Y/N, lean forward!" Jungkook shouted pointing his gun at the Biter. You leant forward trying not to move as with a loud band that made your ears ring the Biter released you and fell back out the window. 

"You alright?" the boys immediately asked seeing all the blood oozing out of your shoulder that was stinging painfully. 

"You good, Y/N we saw what happened," Taehyungs voice came through all of the walkie-talkies.

"I'm good," you replied breathlessly adrenaline pumping around your body.

"But your bleeding everywhere, do you want one of us to drive?" Hobi sounded concerned over the banging of the Biters trying to get into the truck.  

"No, no it's alright. We can't stop anyway." You replied your hair blowing around you from the wind that was getting in because of your smashed window. 

You felt slightly dazed your shoulder was stinging painfully and you were terrified it had bitten you. The only, small comfort you had was that if you managed to get the boys to safety it would be worth it. You quickly flicked either your blood or the Biter's off your hand and gripped the wheel tightly.

"Ok, keep eyes on her window. Nothing gets through." Jungkook ordered pointing his gun behind you at the outside. 

You forced the car faster noticing the Biters were thinning out. You were almost out. There was a bang and you saw a Biter get blasted away from Yoongi's side of the car, his window was also smashed. You hoped he was alright, hunger was now going through your stomach as you hadn't been eating much recently. You wanted to make sure the guys got enough. 

"All good, Yoongi?" Jin asked through the walkie- talkies.

"Yeah," came Yoongi's voice, "Fucker didn't bite me though. No blood." Everyone sighed in relief. 

"Jimin the right turning is coming up, get ready, over."

"Waiting on your mark, over." 

You kept driving keeping your eyes peeled scanning frantically for the turn-off but it was difficult with so many Biters blocking the way. 

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