10. Trust formed

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(10th May)

You'd stayed up all night listening to the haunting noises of the Biters and Changers stumble past your hiding spot. It'd been hours until they were completely gone, the horde must have been in the thousands.

The sun was now starting creeping over the car and the conclusion finally hit you that you managed to survive the night.

Jungkook groaned making you jump. He slowly sat up and looked around confused, running the back of his head. He turned over and spotted you in your crouched position on the floor.

You didn't need a mirror to tell you looked awful you could see your reflection in the metal inside of the door. Your hair was a mess, your skin was pale and there were huge bags under your wide blood shot eyes.

"Y/n?" Jungkook pulled you out of your trance, you looked up at him still clutching his gun like it was a lifeline, "What happened? Did you knock me out?"

You swallowed your throat very dry, took a deep breath then said, "You got knocked out by a Changer, then a horde of about a thousand came past. I dragged you in here and we hid here all night." A look of shock and surprise came on his handsome face.

"Y-you saved me?" You nodded once not blinking. He looked around clearly disoriented. "The horde passed?" You nodded again.

The small car shook slightly as he climbed out his legs shaking slightly from being cramped up for so long. "Y/n," he reappeared ducking his head inside the car, "We need to get back to the others, which means we need to get up and walk, can you do that for me?"

It was weird, he was being nice. His voice sounded different without the tone of annoyance and hostility he'd showed you before.

"Y-yeah, yeah. I'm fine," you shuffled out the car and looked around.

There were bloody footprints outside on the road from the horde. You were right when you thought the horde was in the thousands because there were footsteps as far as the eye could see up the road.

"Can I have at back?" He pointed at the gun you'd held so tightly all night. Reluctantly, you nodded and passed it back to him your fingers sore from not moving much. "Come on, let's get going."

Together, you walked quietly back passed the body of the Changer, back through the forest and to the Warehouse.

It was strange going back in daylight. Only now did you realise how far you and Jungkook bolted last night.

Your body felt completely exhausted as you tripped over for the millionth time. This time you didn't save yourself and landed on your knees cutting them. Jungkook passed you the gun and scooped you up easily and started carrying you bridal style not even breaking his stride.

"Thank you, Jungkook," you sighed resting your head against his muscly chest instantly.

"I should be thanking you, Y/n, you saved me last night. I'm sorry for doubting you," he said sounding sincere and reminding you of what Jimin had said.

"Well, now we're even," You mumbled relaxing against him holding the gun against your chest loosely.


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