48. Jealousy

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(27th June)

You woke up the next morning alone. You stretched feeling more rested than you had for months, the tents that'd been left on the roof by the last group were perfect. Turns out they'd left pillows and some camping things that were so comfortable. 

You heard muttering voices outside and unzipped the tent poking your head out and looking around. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi and Tae were there, the older members were sat around the old fire pit eating canned food and talking while Taehyung was walking around the outside of the building looking at the roads below. 

"Morning dongsaeng," Jin greeted the first thing you noticed was that his voice was much stronger than yesterday when he'd almost drowned. 

"Hey, oppa," you flopped out of the tent and sat on one of the spare camping chairs, "Where're the others?"

"Jimin found a trapdoor that led into the building below us, they're exploring. Jungkook told us not to wake you," Namjoon told you as Yoongi offered you half a can of tomato soup which you thanked him for and drank quickly. 

"How did everyone sleep?" You asked making conversation hoping everyone felt wellrested, they all deserved it. 

"These beds are so comfy," Yoongi smiled looking happier than anyone to get a good nights sleep, "And pillows, we haven't slept on a pillow since the Warehouse." 

"It is nice," Namjoon agreed, "We shouldn't stay here long but a few days to get some proper rest can't hurt." 

"As long as Baehyun doesn't know we're up here," Taehyung joined in the conversation. Everyone looked at him, his trench coat was off and his dark blue shirt underneath was revealed, he'd rolled up his sleeves exposing his veins and holding his rifle close to him. 

You wondered, for the millionth time, what had happened to Taehyung. He was so suspicious all the time he hated being on the road but never relaxed when the group stayed in one place for too long. 

Curiosity getting the better of you you stood up and walked over to Tae the voices of Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon fading slightly. 

"Morning Taehyung oppa," you greeted. 

"Sleep well?" He asked glancing at you then back out at the rooftops of Seoul.

"Yeah, best in a long time. You?" He nodded a small smile creeping onto his face.  "Can I ask you something?"

He turned to look down at you, "What do you want to know?"

You swallowed not sure how to phrase your question but he did it for you. "You want to know about me, my past."

You nodded then added quickly, "As long as you don't mind."

He shrugged and perched on an old table resting his legs against an empty crate. You sat down on the floor and waited for him to start excited to finally get a small insight into the mystery that Taehyung was. 

"Well, I grew up on a farm. I lived with my grandma, she raised me. It was just us so we were close. Anyway, when the Infection started we stayed on the farm because it was safer than going into the city. One day a horde of freshly turned Changers broke into our house, we barracked ourselves in a back room with a window I was small enough to get through at the time."

You nodded listening to him interestedly. 

"She made sure they didn't get through the door and told me to run, she told me to escape and hide until they were gone. I didn't want to leave her but she told me we'd see each other again. I came back to the house a few days later after hiding in one of our sheds, I found her dead, the Changers managed to get in and well..." he paused, "You can imagine what happened." 

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