21. Pointless graveyard

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(28th May)

Your feet were getting sore from hours of walking. You were glad it was nearing summer and the evenings were lighter walking through this forest in the dark would be hell. But now it was starting to get dark and you knew night would be upon you before you knew it.

The forest had thinned slightly and the group was now following a track that looked like it hadn't been used in years. It was overgrown with stinging nettles and bushes and weeds.

You were praying you'd find somewhere to stay the night. Meeting a horde of Biters out in the dead of night in a forest scared you more than anything Baehyun could do.

"Up here." You heard Taehyung shout suddenly making you jump out of your skin and instinctively reach for your gun.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked Taehyung, who'd climbed up a steep bank that ran parallel to the path.

"There's a church," he stated. You glanced at Jimin who was beside you. After demanding his horse got a rest about an hour ago, he'd been walking slowly with you at the back of the group. Namjoon ran up the bank and joined Taehyung.

"Does it look empty?" Jin asked.

"Yeah," Namjoon replied slowly.

Jungkook joined them on the bank and looked at the church that only they could see.

"How's it looking?" Yoongi spoke impatiently, annoyed that none of them described what they could see. They glanced at each other and then looked at you.

You rolled your eyes, "I'm coming." You passed Lady to Hobi and scurried up the bank.

On the other side, you saw something that made the hair on your arm stand on end.

There was a church in the centre of a field, it looked blackened and old but that wasn't the creepiest thing about it.

The creepiest thing were the rows and rows of gravestone packed into every available space. They looked like jagged teeth inside a giant sharks mouth. Two Biters were staggering around but they hadn't spotted you yet.

"What are you thinking?" Namjoon muttered quietly in your ear so no one else could hear you.

"I think we're running out of options fast and this is the best choice we've got. It's either this or staying out here in the dark and I don't think being outside at night's a good idea." He nodded agreeing with you.

He turned back around to face the others, "We're going to stay here tonight, it's safer than being outside."

The others nodded and began making their way up the bank with the horses.

"Tae, can you take out the Biters. But use a knife, we need to save our ammo." Taehyung nodded and got to work killing the Biters.

You skidded down the bank and helped bring the horses up. As you attempted to walk Lady yo the bank you stood on a bit of soft dirt and starting slipping back down again.

"Thanks," you chuckled a little embarrassed as Jungkook caught you by the waist.

He rolled his eyes looking amused, "Anytime."

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