3. Information Revealed

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(3rd May)

"So Y/n, why are you here?" Namjoon asked pulling your eyes back to him.

You looked over Namjoon, it was obvious he held all the authority in the room. You could tell just by looking at them, that each of these guys would die and kill for their leader.

"It's a long story," you replied slumping comfortably against the back of your chair.

Your back was sore from laying in the uncomfortable bed so this was a nice change.

"Then start from the beginning," he said plainly his voice staying even and strong.

You sighed, "Well, I'm sure you all know who I am and which group I was with. Baehyun's." They nodded the glaring getting more serious especially to your right from Jungkook. It was like he was trying to burn a hole in your head with his eyes.

"He killed my brother before I could say goodbye to him," you skipped out the fact that your brother was infected they didn't need to know all the details just yet, "As I'm sure you figured out, I got a little pissed at Baehyun," a smirk danced across your face. "So I did some digging and found a dirty little secret on him. I took my revenge on his dirty secret and he ordered me to be tortured and killed. I managed to escape and found my way here."

"What was the secret you found out?" Namjoon asked leaning forward in his chair slighting and resting his elbows on his desk. You paused trying to think of the best way to word it.

"Baehyun once had a family, they all got infected a while back, he said he would deal with the issue and we never saw them again. One night I walked into his office to drop something off for him and spotted a secret trap door under his desk. I go inside and find his infected family all chained to the wall."

They looked slightly disgusted, it was a common thing nowadays to find people refusing to kill Biters because they were once family members or loved friends. Instead of killing them, they kept them locked up so they wouldn't have to deal with it.

"I called out Baehyun and demanded an explanation, he said he wanted to say goodbye to them before he killed them. Keep in mind they were bitten a good few months back. So, I shot all of them." You brought your fingers up to symbolise a gun shooting, then dropped them back onto your lap.

Namjoon's face hadn't changed, Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin didn't look sympathetic. Jin, Tae and Hoseok's faces had slightly softened. Maybe they had traumatic experience too or they were just more sympathetic than the others. It was impossible to tell.

"I never got a chance to say goodbye to my brother," your voice shook slightly talking the painful memory but you forced yourself to keep it together, "So, he shouldn't be able to say goodbye to his family. An eye for an eye right, the same Biter that got my brother nearly got me."

You pulled your collar away from your neck and revealed the deep scratch that you'd received the same day your brother died. They couldn't see the whole thing but just that fresh scratch was enough to make a flash of curiosity appear all their faces. Yoongi's eyes lingered on the spot even after you'd covered the scar again, the man was lost in his own thoughts.

"I'm sorry about your brother I really am," Namjoon apologised his voice going soft for a second, "But why are you here? You planned and acted on nearly all the raids that were made against us by your old group. If the people down there," he pointed out the window, "Knew who you were they'd try and kill you themselves. So, why should we help you now? Why should we even trust you? We don't know if you're still with them planning to attack us again. How do we know you're not a decoy?"

You nodded understanding what they were thinking. You'd have suggested the same thing if any of them turned up at your old base. "Baehyun had another plan to attack this place, his aim was to take it for good. He's coming and he's going to kill all of you and me," you told them urgently.

"But what's the plan?" Namjoon asked calmly.

You struggled for a second feeling defeated, "Baehyun never told me the plan. He said he would tell us when the time was right."

Namjoon didn't look surprised at your answer and you knew he thought you were lying. It was suspicious of you just to turn up telling them Baehyun had a plan and you not knowing what it was.

"I'm not lying," you told him shaking your head. You couldn't tell what the others were thinking, they just looked at you blanky, then at their leader waiting to hear what he was going to do with you.

"Jungkook, take her back to the cages, then come back so we can discuss this issue."

You stood up before Jungkook could grab your arm, his face was close to yours and you glared at him. He glared at you back before leading you out of the room.

He didn't speak as he marched you down the stairs. His grip on your arm was tight and he moved you forcefully. You wanted to snap at him to stop but it wouldn't help your case of innocence.

You'd been put back in a cage but this one was bigger and had a bed in it.

For the rest of the day and following night you were alone, no one came to talk to you or bring you food. You were starving hungry and had a terrible headache due to lack of water.

"Here," You looked up at the door and saw Jin and Hoseok stood there was a plate of bread and a bottle of water.

"Thank you," you said smiling slightly, then sitting down on the bed to eat. "What?" You asked when you saw them both sit down on the other side of the cage door.

"We don't think you're lying," Hoseok said simply in a low voice, Jin nodded in agreement.

"Thanks," you replied cautiously and taking a bite out of your bread. "What did Namjoon say?" You asked hoping they would tell you.

The glanced at each other like they didn't know if they were allowed to tell you. "Namjoon isn't sure what to think," Jin replied, "Jungkook and Jimin don't trust you and want you dead. Yoongi is hard to tell, he became more curious when you showed the scratch on your neck. I think he feels like he can relate because he has one too. Not many people survive an attack and get away with just a scratch so I think he's curious."

Your mind wandered to how Yoongi got his impressive scar, maybe you would find out if they didn't kill you.

"We think you're telling the truth, and we think Taehyung does too," Hoseok added keeping his voice low.

"What makes you think I'm telling the truth?" You asked them curiously. You weren't about to turn down their opinions on believing your story, you were just curious as to why they did.

"It's in your eyes," Jin said simply, "I can tell when people are telling big lies by their eyes, call it intuition. Yours aren't lying."

You nodded having nothing else to say, you took a gulp of water. The liquid felt amazing on your dried throat so you took another big gulp.

"I've done some bad things to this group but the fact that you guys don't completely hate me is a positive."

"Everyone deserves a second chance," Jin said kindly.

"And the fact you seem like your trying to help us is good," Hoseok smiled, "Even if you information isn't very helpful to us right now."

"Thank you," you smiled too.

You didn't exactly want to help them, you were just on the run from Baehyun's men and this was a safe place. If they believed you wanted to help them or even fight Baehyun with them it was more security for you and that was all you needed.

Having a common enemy gave you something to talk about so you could use that to your advantage. As long as Baehyun didn't get you here, you really didn't care what happened after that.

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