34. Dark night

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(19th June)

Namjoon had stopped the group when the sun was starting to set and the sky was becoming dark. You had become increasingly worried as time had gone on and there were no safe places to stay the night. Jungkook had understood your worry from just a look and squeezed your hand reassuringly. You were glad you had him, he was very comforting.

"We could either keep driving overnight or get some sleep now. I don't think we're gonna find shelter for ages this road is so long," Namjoon said from the other car over the walkie talkies.

He and Jin had driven most of the way today and were exhausted they voted everyone get some rest now.

The group had stopped just off the road on the grass and parked the cars parallel to each other with a gap in the middle so the group could sit in the middle. Namjoon advised not to put a fire on as they didn't want to risk getting spotted by anyone or anything.

Yoongi had passed around a load of canned beans for everyone to share. Despite getting so much food from the town hall Jin wanted to make sure we didn't run out before we got to Seoul. You hadn't eaten much, you were feeling sick from feeling nervous, you hated feeling so exposed anything could happen tonight.

"You need to eat," Jungkook sighed and rubbing your back sat next to you on the floor leaning against one of the trucks. Your eyes were flicking around everywhere and you couldn't relax, you kept twisting your knife around your fingers restlessly.

"I'm not hungry," you muttered not looking at him, taking a deep breath and trying to relax.

"I'm going to sleep, driving has exhausted me and I need my beauty sleep," Jin yawned from opposite you where he had been talking to Jimin and Namjoon.

"We all should get some sleep really," Namjoon agreed with him getting up, "Who's going to take first watch?"

"Me and Y/N can do a few hours together," Jungkook volunteered the two of you hopefully.

Namjoon nodded his approval, "Me and Jin hyung can do the one afterwards, we can do a few hours in pairs." Then he went to find somewhere to sleep not far away. You didn't really mind, you would prefer to stay up with the company then go to bed alone. Plus, it was June so the evening was warm so the risk of getting cold was low. Shame really, you would've felt more comfortable snuggling up next to Jungkook but you would probably do it anyway.

"Goodnight everyone," Jungkook called quietly to the lumps on the ground that were the others.

They all muttered, "Goodnight," back and fell silent to get some rest.

"You alright?" He turned to you, whispering so his hyungs wouldn't be disturbed.

"Yeah, I just," you looked around nervously into the darkness that surrounded you. Anything could be waiting to attack and kill all of you, "I just feel very exposed, we can't defend ourselves very well from out here. Just think about it, something could be stood right in front of us and we'd have no idea."

You watched him take a mental deep breath and look at you, "We'll be alright. I know being here isn't ideal but we don't have much of a choice. It's better we all get some rest now than keep going and risk being tired later."

"True," you nodded taking a deep breath and trying to relax a little. "It's just not great, not like we can anything about it though."

"Let's change the subject," Jungkook smiled kindly tilting his head to the side slightly. You nodded turning away from the darkness to face him more. "What do you think this safe place in Seoul will be like?" 

He pulled a thinking face for a moment, "I'm hoping it's going to be like a village or something. A place where people can be themselves again, where we can feel safe at night. Maybe even make some more friends our age?"

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