26. Storytime

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(1st June)

Neither you nor Jungkook mentioned the kiss you'd shared over the next few days while staying in the Town Hall. That didn't stop him from sleeping with you though, the two of you shared the double mattress on the floor where he would snuggle into your back every night. You didn't mind, it was very comforting feeling his strong, muscly arms wrapped around your waist all night keeping you feeling safe and warm.

Namjoon still wasn't 100% sure what you'd done to your ankle. The trainee doctor had found a big stick that you were using as a crutch to hobble slowly around the hall. You were thrilled after being bored trapped in that room for ages, you could put a little bit of weight on it but you couldn't do it for long without it hurting.

You were sat on one of the sofas downstairs with just Yoongi. Taehyung was on the balcony keeping a lookout while Jungkook and Jimin were checking the supplies downstairs and the others had gone to check out more of the town.

You glanced at Yoongi sat on the opposite sofa sleeping, your eyes racked curiously over his scar. You wondered, like you had many times before how he'd got his scar.

"What?" He suddenly questioned not opening his eyes. He made you jump but you were going to grasp at the opportunity at being alone with him to ask how he got it. Last time you asked he said he only told people he trusted. You wondered if he trusted you yet.

"I'm just curious," you started tentatively.

"About what?" He asked opening one eye and looking at you with a blank expression.

"Your scar," you continued hoping he would tell you.

He sighed getting comfortable on the sofa and closed his eye again, "What exactly do you want to know about it?"

"How you got it," You answered hoping he wouldn't get annoyed or push you away. He sighed even louder and got up abruptly. You thought he was going to walk away but instead, he sat on the sofa next to you with a calm expression.

"You want to know how I got it?" You nodded eagerly.

"As long as you don't mind. You told me last time that you didn't trust me enough."

"True, I did," he nodded slowly, but that didn't give you any clues as to if he trusted you or not.

"Do you?" You pushed him nervously. He didn't do anything for a moment like he was in a dream, but then he suddenly nodded once. A small smile broke across your face at your victory.

"Do you trust me?" He asked glancing at you casually.

You nodded, "I trust all of you. I'd follow you blindly if I had to."

"That's good," he muttered mysteriously, "I guess I could tell you then." You felt pleased that he trusted you, he seemed like the most secretive and unpredictable member.

You sat more deeply in the sofa excited for his story. "I got it when I first met Namjoon and Jin."

"Had you not met the others yet?" You asked hoping he wouldn't be annoyed that you interrupted him but he didn't mind.

"Not at that point we hadn't," he shook his head, "Anyway, at the start, it was just me Namjoon and Jin hyung wandering out together trying to survive to put it simply. One day we ran into a guy, around our age, fighting a group of Biters on his own. Hobi. We helped him obviously, a Biter jumped on Namjoon and was on top of him. No one else noticed so I tackled it to get it off him."

As he spoke you could imagine the scene in your head as if you were there.

"It was a strong one and we rolled until it was on top of me. I pushed it off and killed it but then another one appeared, before I registered it was there," he gestured to scar with his hand then letting it fall back onto his leg with a flopping sound. 

His story sounded almost identical to how you got yours, trying to help a loved one, it was a shame you weren't as successful trying to save the person, however.

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