13. Unexpected Refuge

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(15th May)

An awful smell was the first thing that hit you when you stepped into the farmhouse. You coughed pulling your scarf over your mouth and nose to filter the stink.

The boys stayed close to you as you walked silently through the house, you whistled again and a Biter came stumbling through the kitchen towards you. You raised your dagger and stabbed it in the head, blood squirted everywhere and it flopped onto the floor, wriggling slightly to ooze on the carpet.

"Let's split up," you whispered to them, "We can clear the place out faster. If you find any Biters try not to shoot them if you can avoid it. Don't want to attract more of them and bullets are valuable. Remember to whistle before going into a room."

They nodded, Namjoon and Jin paired off and went upstairs, Jimin and Yoongi went upstairs as well, Taehyung and Hobi went into the basement, leaving you and Jungkook to do the rest of the ground floor.

You nodded to him, he picked up a baseball bat covered in barb-wire that was leaning against a wall and followed you further into the house. He whistled and went into the bathroom. It was empty, there seemed to be no more on this floor.

You whistled and slowly pushed open another door, the first thing you saw was a dead Biter sprawled out on the bed. You took one step into the room and felt something grab your ankle.

You screamed before you could stop yourself, Jungkook appeared and pushed you further into the room to avoid the hands that were reaching for your feet. He was about to hit the Biter when you stopped him, "Jungkook wait!"

He froze his bat raised mid-air, "What?" You pointed at the figure it was an old man. He was crawling and reaching along the floor trying to get to the door.

"Please help me," he wheezed, "Please."

You glanced at Jungkook who shook his head, "Y/n, no," he warned. You ignored him and knelt down beside the old man.

"Are you infected?" You asked him in a kind voice.

"Yes," he breathed coughing deep though his lungs, "But only a day or so. Please, shoot me before I turn. I don't want to become one of those things."

You didn't need to do much thinking, "Jungkook help me get him up," Jungkook didn't look very happy but he did as you asked. He helped you lift the old man into a sitting position on the bed.

"Y/N! What happened?" The rest of the boys came charging through to the door, they crashed into each other and skidded to a halt.

"What happened?" Taehyung repeated looking worried. They fell silent watching you sit next to the old man and Jungkook standing close to your like a bodyguard.

"What happened here?" You asked ignoring the boys.

"We got overrun. Biters broke down the fence on the other side of the farm," he wheezed, "I told my family to escape while I distracted them. I couldn't distract them for very long, and well," he paused pulling up he shirt to reveal the deep bite mark on his stomach. The skin around the area was turning green and black. "I managed to hide in here but the bugger got to me," he pointed to the Biter still sprawled out on the bed next to him. "Please, shoot me, before I turn into one of those monsters."

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