35. Storytime with Jin and Hobi

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(20th June)

You were abruptly woken up the next morning by a loud gunshot that sounded nearby. You sat up instantly looking around. Jimin and Yoongi had been on lookout last had stood up raising their guns, Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and Hobi sat up doing the same thing and Jungkook had pulled you closer to him from his position behind you. 

"What's happening?" You whispered to Jimin who was looking around one of the trucks up and down the road. 

"I'm not sure," he replied quietly. No one moved wondering if the gunshots were aimed at them or not.  Another one sounded in the distance back the way you had come and everyone got up. Shouts could be heard and everyone looked in the direction they had come from. 

"Let's get going," Namjoon ordered quietly, "We can eat on the way." 

No one argued instead the camp for the night was packed away in minutes and you were getting back into the trucks. "Everyone sits in the seats today. If there are people around it's best to have some protection." 

Once again no one argued with Namjoon. Hobi and Taehyung would be driving today giving Namjoon and Jin a rest. Jin grabbed some cans of food from the back and put them in the passenger seat with him to give out on the way. You got into the back seats with Jungkook and the two cars drove off quickly not wanting to hang around. 

Back on the road, you felt a little better knowing you were going away from whatever was happening behind you. It was another hot day today and Hobi had the windows all open due to the aircon being broken. The blue sky was cloudless and birds were flying around chirping. You got lost in your own thought wondering if animals could get infected when Jin passed you and Jungkook canned pineapple to share. 

"Thanks," you both muttered digging into your breakfast. 

"Got any water?" you asked feeling thirsty. Jin passed you back a canister of water and you took a sip then passed it to Jungkook who traded you the can of pineapples. 


"Tell us a story Jin oppa," you started a conversation a long time later feeling bored. 

"Like what?" Jin asked turning around in his seat to face the two maknaes.

"Well, you're the oldest so you must remember most about what the world was like before the Infection started," Jungkook added clearly wanting a story too.

"Yeah, tell us something about it." 

Jin thought for a moment while you and Jungkook waited with expectant look on your faces. 

"Okay, I was 12 when the Infection started I think. My eomma was Miss Korea and my appa was a CEO. I was born in Gwacheon."

"Tell them something about the world back then, hyung. They are too young to remember what life was really like," Hobi cut in glancing at Jin for a second. 

"Ah ok," Jin sighed. "Back in those times, when it was winter, people would go around in the streets with friends wrapped up in their coats laughing and throwing snowballs. You could go around the city to see the lights and the stars then you could go back to your warm home and warm-up with a cup of instant Ramen noodles."

He paused for a second reminiscing in the memories.  

"I used to walk in this big park with my eomma (Mum) and we would walk around taking pictures, the snow crumbling under our feet."

"Sounds nice," Jungkook smiled watching Jin.

"What happened to your parents oppa?" you asked wondering if that was a question too far. 

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