29. Deep talk and new clothes

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(10th June)

When you'd made it back to the office you and Jungkook were sharing, you found him resting on the mattress his arms above his head and his eyes closed. His bruises were much better and almost gone apart from the pale green patch on his cheek. You chuckled slightly at how peaceful he looked which alerted him to your presence. He opened an eye and moved up to make room for you.

"What did hyung say?" he asked closing his eyes again and resting his head on your shoulder.

"It's much better, he said we won't leave until it's fully healed though."

"That's good then," he sighed sounding tired.

"Tired?" you questioned hearing the tried hint in his voice.

"Yeah, I was on lookout for most of last night," he responded snuggling into your shoulder.

"Really?" You asked you didn't even remember him going.

"Yeah, I tried not to wake you up but you're a pretty deep sleeper." You nodded smiling slightly, you'd probably been getting the best nights sleep out of everyone at the minute.

"Hobi oppa said you were a pretty deep sleeper too," you remembered Hobi telling you about Jungkook sleeping when you were in the abandoned church.

"Yeah well," he chuckled, "It's better than getting woken up by someone walking to the bathroom."

"But what if we get attacked by Biters in the night and you don't hear it because you're asleep?" You asked turning to look at his slightly.

He sighed and propped himself up on his elbow so he could see you properly. "I wake up if I hear someone I care about shouting or something. I'm a light sleeper to that sort of stuff and if you wake me up I wake up quickly."

"Why?" you asked curiously.

"Because I care about you," he said smiling and gazing into your eyes. You felt yourself blush so you looked away and smiled.

"Did you say that all the girls in the camps?" you asked flicking your eyes back up to him leaning over you.

He chuckled slightly, "I wasn't saying that to any girls."

"Awe, Jungkookie oppa shy?" you smirked pleased you had something to mock him about.

"Oh, shut up," he smiled showing his bunny teeth.

"Bless you," you chuckled, "I mean it's a normal thing to be shy around girls."

"I wasn't shy around girls," he shook his head, "I was just busy training a lot so I didn't get the chance to hang around with girls. I would go out with my friends from the Military Camp and girls would come to us so quickly because of the uniform and I just didn't want to go out with any of them."

"That's fair enough," you nodded, "One night stands were never really my scene either."

"Don't get me wrong I've got with girls before but it's always been in relationships. I like to trust the girl and have an emotional connection. I want a connection and trust before anything else."

You'd never heard him sound so vulnerable and thoughtful. You were surprised when he said he hadn't had much experience with girls. When he kissed you a few days he took control and seemed dominant so this made you think he had done it many times before.

"Can I ask you something?" You questioned running your fingers gently over his other hand resting on the mattress.

"Sure," he nodded looking down at you drawing patterns on the back of his hand and smiling.

"You say you didn't get much experience with lots of girls then how come you are such a good and dominant kisser?"

He smiled and chuckled slightly, "Just because I said I didn't have many one night stands or casual sex doesn't mean I haven't had the experience."

"Oh, right," you nodded a small smile on your face, "You have a lot of experience then?"

He gave you a suggestive look and smirked. "I have a few tricks," he said slowly taking his free hand and started stroking the top of your thigh with his finger.

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