4. Arguments

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(6th May)

Days had gone by since you first met with Namjoon and his gang. You couldn't tell exactly how many days it'd been but you knew it'd been a few. Jin and Hobi came every so often to give you bread and water and for a little chat before disappearing again. You were very glad they did visit or you'd be very lonely.

You knew it was night time because the main lights in the Warehouse had gone out, the voices had quietened down and the footsteps of the patrolling guards paced around. You were freezing cold tonight and you shivered as you trying to get some sleep. The thin blanket that was on your bed was doing nothing to keep you warm.

You pulled the picture of your brother out of your packet and held it between your numb fingertips. Your fingerless gloves were slightly impractical now and you wished you'd picked up thicker ones before you escaped from Baehyun.

"I'm so sorry," you kissed the picture feeling tears slid down your face. "I'm trying my best." You sniffed and sat up continuing to cry quietly, "At least if they kill me we can be together again."

The picture was taken years ago when you and your brother were looking for supplies. He came across a shop full of cameras and decided to explore it.

The rundown shop looked just as destroyed as everything else in town, paper and glass littered the ground and blood was splattered on the wall.

"Cheerful," you muttered as he explored around, "Hurry up we've got to get back."

"We'll be fine, don't worry so much. You only live once."

"But I'd like my one life to be as long as possible thank you, B/n," you retorted crossing your arms.

He laughed, "You worry too much, here, check this thing out. It's called a Polaroid, it prints pictures straight after taking them. I wonder if it still works." 

You snorted slightly as he fiddled around with the camera trying to put paper in it, "It's not going to work. It's broken, like everything else in this town."

A small clicking sound made you raise an eyebrow as a piece of paper slid out the machine and he started to shake it.

"What on earth are you doing that for?"

"Apparently you have to shake it," he smiled, "It said so on the back of the camera."


"I'm serious come and have a look."

You walked over, some glass breaking under your boots as you went. Your eyes widened as you saw a picture of the floor slowly fading into sight on the paper.

"Woah," you breathed getting more into the idea now you saw it worked, "Take one of me!"

After messing around for a little while and pretending to be models he finally ran out of paper.

"Come here, let's take one together, I've only got one piece of paper left!"

You rolled your eyes at his idea but let him drag you into frame. "Say cheese." You smiled leaning your head against his shoulder as he took the picture.

"I'm going to keep this thing," he grinned sliding it and a stack of the cleanest paper he could find into his bag, "How did that one turn out?"

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