18. Scouting

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(28th May)

As time passed Jimin was started to get up slowly, move around. Namjoon was pleased with this because it showed his wound was healing. He couldn't go very far before feeling weak and needing to sit down but it was a massive improvement.

He liked to sit on the front step of the house and look out over the fields. You often sat with him talking about everything from the meaning of life to why noodles were called noodles. Hobi and Jungkook were looking healthier and the whole mentality of the group had improved dramatically.

You'd walked down to the well to check no Biters were ruining your water supply with Namjoon. It was in a good place so nothing had been trapped inside it yet, you just hoped it stayed that way. You liked living here, it was safe and quiet and was starting to feel more like 'home'.

Apart from a small horde of Biters trying to get through the fence, there hadn't been any problems, until now.

Jin had announced that they only had five more bandages left and as Jimin's needed changing twice a day they wouldn't last long. Food was on the low meaning everyone was getting slightly smaller portions and tempers were starting to get high due to hunger.

Namjoon called a meeting and declared that another group would need to go scouting. You volunteered immediately thinking it wasn't fair to make the same people go again.

Which, obviously, had started an argument.

"Why can't I go?" You argued with an angry Jungkook, "I'm just as capable as any of you!"

"I'm not saying you aren't capable. In comparison, your chance of surviving is probably higher than ours. I'm saying that people out there will try and hurt you," he yelled back.

"It's the same danger any of you would face. Biters aren't going to ignore us it's the same danger everyone faces," You were annoyed he didn't want you to go.

Did he think you were weak?

"But we don't have the danger of being raped by a group of men who haven't seen a beautiful girl in years!"

You looked blankly at him finally understanding the point he was trying to make. None of the others spoke waiting to see where the conversation would lead.

His voice softened, "They'll be attracted to you like flies and I-, I mean we can't lose you. Not only are you one of our best fighters but you're clever and know how to survive better than any of us, we need you if we've got any chance of living longer than six months. Even Namjoon hyung said, you're more experienced out in the 'wild'."

You felt flattered but he did have a point. You saw the worry and desperate look in his eyes it made you feel happy to know he cared about you.

"No offence Y/n, but I agree with Jungkook. We can't let you go on your own," Namjoon nodded.

"Then he can come with me," you stated determinedly looking at Jungkook spotting the loop hole in Namjoon's sentence.

"I can go again," he answered quickly nodding, "I mean, we need to get the supplies off Phoenix's body if they're still there. Plus, there's another market in that area that I spotted a sign for."

The group turned to Namjoon, "That could work. We really need the supplies," Yoongi nodded, "As long as you don't mind going twice?" Jungkook shook his head immediately.

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