42. Just keep swimming

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(26th June)

The second your entire body was submerged in the freezing water you began to fight your way back to the surface. You inhaled a deep breath when you broke the surface and tried to locate Jimin and Hobi. Luckily, they weren't far away struggling to keep themselves above water too. The others left on the pipe were watching you float away unable to help.


You didn't have time to respond when the water yanked you back down again. You fought and kicked getting to the surface but it was no use the current was so strong it was pulling you down even more.

You swam even harder trying to reach the surface your lungs beginning to burn unbearably. You started to panic, you knew you weren't going to be able to get back up. The current was too powerful and you weren't a strong enough swimmer to get back up.

When out of nowhere, a hand grabbed the front of your shirt and yanked you up as hard as they could you took a deep breath in and coughed. The air felt nice on your burning lungs and you took several deep breaths.

"GUYS LOOK," Jimin yelled you snapped your eyes opening forgetting for a moment where you were. Hobi was in front of you with one hand clasped tightly on the front of you shirt keeping you up, not wanting to talk you nodded him thanks which he understood.

You turned around and saw a line of cars piled against one of the walls blocking the entire of the tunnel. Bracing yourself the three of you slammed into the cars which winded you instantly.

"We can't stay here," you called as the water pounded against you making you tired very quickly. "I'm going to see if we can get through. Hang on."

Before they could protest you swam down your eyes open under the water, they stung but you refused to close them. Your vision was very blurry and you couldn't see very much but you could see blackness which you guessed was cars and a section of slightly lighter blue, hopefully, this was a clear way through.

You resurfaced and saw Jimin and Hobi struggling to stay afloat against the strong current none of you would be able to keep this up, you needed to find somewhere to rest. "There's a way though I think, aim for the lighter blue rather than the black section."

You couldn't tell if they nodded or not they just looked tired, you went took a deep breath and dived again. You swam to the blue area hoping it was a way through.

A moment later you surfaced again, the broken car window that had been your escape was probably your only amount of luck in this entire situation, apart from that you were still alive.

The current wasn't as strong on the other side of the cars but it was still too deep to touch the floor so the three of you tread water for a second thinking of what to do.

"I'm tired," you muttered your arms and legs feeling weak.

"Don't give up, don't you dare stop swimming," Hobi told you fiercely.

"Think of Jungkook, he'd kill us if you drowned," Jimin told you trying to be motivating.

"We'd all be killed by the others if we drowned," you pointed out weakly.

You thought about his handsome face. His doe eyes watching you full of worry as you were on the bus, the way they hooded over when you had found the fuel in that garage back in the town. His comforting arm wrapped around your waist when you slept, his soft lips against yours and his cute smile.

"You're right. We have to get back to the others," you somehow found the strength to continue treading water and turn around to look further down the dark tunnel. This thing seriously was never-ending.

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