15. Worried

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(19th May)

You couldn't sleep.

Namjoon had informed everyone that Hobi, Jimin and Jungkook would be going scouting tomorrow morning to find more supplies. They'd be taking three of the horses you'd ridden and declared sensible enough to be taken out but that didn't ease your worry.

You couldn't sleep because you had a bad feeling, a feeling that something was going to go very wrong. You didn't know how you knew, your gut and intuition was just telling you it was a bad idea.
You hadn't expressed this worry to anyone else not wanting to panic the others, everyone was tense enough.

You turned over in your bed again sighing, you looked over at Jungkook and Taehyung who were asleep on their mattresses. Or so you thought.

"What's up, Y/n?" Jungkook suddenly sat up looking at you through darkness making you jump slightly.

You'd be very jumpy recently. Only yesterday you'd almost hit poor Jin the the face because he made you jump walking out from behind a wall. You felt like such an idiot about it while he just laughed.

"Nothing," you whispered not wanting to wake Taehyung up, "I'm alright, go back to sleep."

You rolled over again hoping he'd just go back to sleep. You heard footsteps and a figure moved in front of you, then your bed dipped as Jungkook got into it with you. He was millimetres away from you and his breath was fanning your face gently.

"What's wrong?" He whispered sounding a little more awake than before.

"Sorry for waking you up," you whispered back, "But I'm fine."

"Don't lie, Y/n," he whispered calmly. You felt his arm snake over your waist and rest there comfortably, this small gesture made you feel so safe and he didn't even know, "What are you thinking about?"

You thought for a moment. Surely it wouldn't hurt to tell him the truth. "I have a bad feeling."

"What about?" He asked seriously not a hint of his evil smirk or mischievous glint on his face.

"The scout mission tomorrow. I just have a really bad feeling something is going to go wrong," you expected him to laugh, expected he would find it funny but he didn't laugh at all.

"It's gonna be alright, Y/n. I can't promise we'll all come back alive," Dread filled you at his words, "This world is dangerous and unpredictable, but I can promise I will try my very best to get us all back safe."

"Thank you," you smiled in the darkness feeling slightly more relieved.

"Get some sleep," he said reassuringly and starting to get up.

"Stay," you whispered quietly, your voice sounded so vulnerable and small. He didn't say anything just lied back down next to you and getting comfortable again, "Thank you, Jungkook."

Apart from feeling comforted with him there, you also felt much warmer. You felt soft lips kissing your forehead, "Goodnight, Y/n."

The place burned where he had kissed you and butterflies erupted in your stomach. He seriously just kissed your forehead? Maybe he could be sweet as well as an asshole.

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