31. Into you

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(17th June)

You caught the keys off him and opened the driver's door jumping inside. "Ready?" he called from the front of the car but you couldn't see him because the bonnet was up.

"Yep," you called back trying not to be too loud. "Fire up when you're ready."

You pushed your foot down on the clutch and turned the key. To your surprise, the car jumped into life after a couple of seconds. You heard Jungkook laugh in happiness as he closed the bonnet and came to your side. "Needs more fuel you told him, pointing to the fuel gauge that was nearing E for empty.

"Let's go and have a look around I'm sure some of these cars still may have fuel in them. I just don't know how we're going to get it out." He pushed his black hair, that needed cutting, out of his eyes as he thought.

"I may be able to help with that," you said smiling, "Just gimme a second."

You took the keys out of the ignition and walked out of the garage into the big, overgrown garden that was attached to the house. You spotted what you wanted almost immediately hanging over a hook on the wall. You picked up the hose pipe and unravelled it. You measured a small distance before cutting it with your knife and picking up the smaller end.

Jungkook, who had been watching you, still looked confused so you just said, "You'll find out in a second," and continued what you were doing. You went back into the garage and walked towards the shelves stacked with junk. You began moving things around and after dropping half the things on the floor, you found what you were looking for. It was a small red petrol canister, you unscrewed the lid and shoved the pipe inside it.

"I know what it is but I don't know how this is going to help up get fuel," he said leaning on the car and crossing his arms.

"Follow me," you said walking back to the front door, "And bring the car keys we don't want it getting stolen."

The two of your continued walking down the road until you came to a group of cars that had been left after crashing into each other. You walked towards a black one and unscrewed the fuel tank lid. Jungkook was like a silent bodyguard behind you walking with his gun out looking around in every direction.

You put the end of the hose in the fuel tank and began to suck on the other side. "What are you doing?" Jungkook asked after a second of you sucking on the pipe like a kid on a thick smoothie. You detached your mouth from it and covered the end with your thumb.

"I'm sucking the fuel back this was through the pipe and it will go into our canister if there is any. You can normally tell by how hard it is to suck up." You explained as he watched you his head tilted to one side slightly.

"Clever. I'm not even going to bother asking how it workers but how did you learn it."

"Baehyun," you responded in one word and continuing to suck on the fuel.

"Helpful Baehyun," Jungkook muttered turning away from you and looking around again.

You rolled your eyes and continued to suck until you felt a horrible tasting liquid hitting your mouth. You coughed and spluttered pulling quickly away and forcing the other end of the pipe into the canister. "That's nasty," Jungkook chuckled watching you spit out as much fuel as you could.

"Works like a treat though and you'd be surprised how many of these cars still have fuel in them," you told him taking a sip of water and swirling it around your mouth then spitting it out to get rid of the taste of the fuel.

"How would you feel if I suggested cutting your hair?" 

He looked at you with raised eyebrows, "It is starting to get on my nerves and it's making me hot. I'd say as long as you're being supervised I'd let you cut it." 

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