9. Midnight run

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(9th May)

You and Jungkook sprinted into the forest as quickly as you could not daring to look back. You could hear Biters chasing after you so you forced your legs to run faster. Probably best not to let them catch up.

You could tell one of them was right behind you because it's raspy breathing was making your ears twitch.

You scooped a big stick off the floor and turned. You came face to face with a pale, bloody and bruised face, before it could do anything you smacked the stick around it's head as hard as you could.

You didn't stop to see if it'd fallen, you just carried on running throwing the stick away as you went. Jungkook was next to you sprinting as fast as he could he kept glancing over at you like he was checking to see if you were dead or not. You nodded slightly to him when your eyes met and continued running.

Eventually, you managed to get some distance from the Biters. Jungkook kept having to stop and shoot them if they got too close. You'd asked several times if you could have his spare pistol that was attached to his hip but he refused every time.

You finally stopped by the side of a road and took a second to catch your breath. You leaned your hands on your knees breathing heavily, looking around. The road was empty, there was nothing as far as you could see apart from an abandoned car about ten metres in front of you.

"How did they get into the Warehouse?" He asked breathing deeply, his face glistening with sweat.

"I have no idea," you breathed back looking around nervously. He looked at you with a disapproving face, "Why would I let them in?" You asked him as if it was obvious.

"Why wouldn't you?" He retorted getting hostile immediately. Why did you manage to escape with the one person who hated you more than everyone in the camp. You should've gone with the others.

"Several reasons, I'm currently living inside the Warehouse along with you and about fifty other innocent people including children!"

"I don't know maybe so you and your old group can move in?" He suggested sassily.

You laughed mercilessly, "As I have said hundreds of times they want me dead. I never want to see them again!" He shook his head refusing to believe you. "How would I get in contact with them? Thanks to you I've been watched like a hawk since I set foot in that place." You took a step closer to him, "Do you seriously still believe I would do that? Namjoon showed me hospitality, he gave me a bed, food and you think I'd do that behind his back."

"I don't know who you are or what you're capable of doing. You don't know any of us really," he retorted bending down to tie his black boots.

This triggered a memory in your head; his foot swinging and kicking a Biter, the one with the collar!

"Shit," you muttered running your fingers through your hair.

"What?" He asked standing up and sighing.

"You know the Biter you kicked? The one that was attacking me?" You asked urgently.

"Yeah, why? What about it?" He looked confused, clearly not spotting your worried expression.

"It had a collar on," you informed him.

Survival of the fittest✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang