12. Dull travelling

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(15th May)

It'd been days since the raid on the Warehouse by Baehyun and his men. Luckily, you hadn't seen or heard from them which meant they weren't following you. You thought it wouldn't be long before they came after you. Baehyun could hold a grudge for a long time and always got revenge.

You'd been sleeping rough anywhere you could find. Against trees in the forest, once in an a group of abandoned cars and basically anywhere that worked. Two members of the group stayed up while everyone else tried to sleep and then it rotated. No one was sleeping well out in the open and on the uncomfortable ground.

The weather was slowly starting to get warmer as it rolled closer to the summer months. Beautiful flowers had started to bloom on the ground making the air sweeter to breathe. The leaves on the trees had burst into their spring colours with blossoms of pink and crisp green leaves. It was strange to see so much colour after the winter where the world seems to turn black and white.

You walked slowly dragging your sore feet across the ground whether it be grass, tarmac or leafy forest floor.

No one was quite sure where you were going but you just kept going as if you were reading a map.

You hadn't had enough time to grab much food so you were just rationing what you already had. It wasn't enough to fill everyone up and you felt hungry most of the time. You all needed a decent meal soon or you'd have to eat Jimin or Jin. Yoongi had been quick to, jokingly, point out that everyone should eat Jimin or Jin first because Jimin was muscular and Jin was broad.

The boys seemed to be immune to getting sore feet or feeling hopeless. Most groups would argue and fight if they were hungry or walking for miles without a destination but these guys didn't. You had a feeling they were all annoyed but they just stayed out of each others way so they didn't have a reason to start an argument. They switched who was holding the bags and chatted about the strangest things when they were in a good mood.

You learnt that Jin was the oldest and always had a constant supply of dad jokes, his most recent being: "How do you make holy water?"

"I don't know," Namjoon had answered sounding half interested in the answer.

"You boil the hell out of it." Jin had laughed hysterically while the others had chuckled or rolled their eyes. Jimin always seemed to laugh about it long after everyone else had stopped. Most of the time you could still hear him giggling about it ten minutes later.

You learnt that despite Namjoon was the leader he wasn't the oldest nor was he second oldest. The others always asked him if they had a question or problem and he always gave very good answers. Sometimes he would consult you which made you feel like you were really part of the group.

It didn't take a genius to work out that Yoongi was sharp-tongued and sarcastic. Personally, you found him very funny, his dry humour was appealing to you. Your favourite thing he had said was, "In my next life I wanna be born as a rock." Extremely meaningful and moving words. Deep down he was very kind and passionate he liked the company and often walk next to you without saying anything, just enjoying the silence.

Hoseok was often nicknamed Hobi, was like a human energy ball. He was positive and excited about everything, he did random dances on the road and always seemed to be laughing. He was trying to make the best of the situation, a valuable and rare quality. He was very genuine and was always there if someone needed something.

Survival of the fittest✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang