37. A little push

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(25th June)

After lunch, everyone got back into their cars and prepared to go again that was until Jin told us two bags of our supplies were missing and he suspected they were pulled out by the horde.

"What's been taken?" you asked going over to the back of the truck he was sat in.

"We're missing a bag of guns and water."

"Shit," Namjooned muttered rubbing his hands over his face in annoyance, "Well we can't go back for it."

"Which bag was it?" Jimin asked coming over.

"The one that had our bigger guns in, I've made a list of what we have left." He passed Namjoon some paper and the rest of you read it over his shoulder.

Supply list

Shotgun x2 (3 boxes of ammo)
Hunting rifle with scope x1 (Taehyung's, 1 box ammo)
Personal Pistols x8 
Knives x7
Dagger x1 (Y/N's)
Bow (Y/N's 5 arrows)

Enough rations for everyone for at least a month.

Canteen (Full) x8
Water bottles x2

All supplies accounted for

It wasn't much but as long as you didn't get into any gunfights or attacked by Biters everything should be alright. Jungkook looked down at you with a worried expression on his face and you knew he was losing hope that any of you would get to the safe haven alive.

Namjoon looked around the group a hopeless look on his face you understood what he was thinking. You'd lost most of your water and weapons which were both essential to survive in this world but you wouldn't give up, you just couldn't.

"We can't give up," you said plainly before Namjoon could start talking.

"But, Y/N we've lost our good weapons and most of our water," he replied sighing hopelessly.

"We are over 3/4 of the way. It'd be more dangerous going back than it would if we keep pushing. We've got this far haven't we?"

"It's all been luck," Namjoon responded.

"There's no such thing as luck," you and Yoongi answered at the same time. You caught his eyes and he nodded to you which you think meant he was on your side.

"If you can come up with another solution as to how to stay hydrated and how we defend ourselves, I'm all for it," Namjoon slightly snapped and Jungkook shifted uncomfortably next to you but you just discreetly put a hand on his stomach letting him know everything was alright. He did have a point, however, but you were doing some quick thinking.

"Well we've all got knives, if we stay quiet and low we should be alright. For water, I suggest we get a canteen each and be careful how much we drink, limit running unless we have to so we can save it. We've got enough ammo to keep us safe and I'm sure there are plenty of places where was can look for more."

"We could collect rain?" Jimin suggested looking at his leader with a small glint of hope in his eyes. No one pointed out that it was summer and the chance it was going to rain was slim.

"To be honest, it's a bit of a wasted journey if we stop now. We will find more supplies and I'd like to hear your plan on how we'd get past the horde on the main road," Jin added still crouched down in the back of the truck.

Namjoon looked up at Jin with dead eyes as if he was hoping Jin would side with him. He turned back to look at his female maknae stood in the middle of his group of boys. He sighed, "Fine. We have to finish this now we've started it we might as well drive as far as we can. If anyone sees drinkable water we can boil then say immediately. If anyone sees movement Biter, human or animal you say immediately. Clear?"

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