20. Burning

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(28th May)

You and Jungkook sprinted outside the shop in time to see a truck pulling away.

Clearly, there was only one guy inside and he'd been scared off after hearing the gunshots. Going after him wasn't going to help much now, so you just went straight to the horses. Luckily, they hadn't spotted them.

Jungkook put the supplies in the satchels attached to both saddles in lightening speed then pushed the cart away.

"Here," he gave you a leg up onto Lady then used the bonnet of a blackened, burned car nearby to climb onto Hugo himself.

"Try to keep them in a steady canter instead of a gallop," you instructed as you turned away from the shop, "They can keep going for longer."

"Okay," he shouted back. 


You had to keep turning around and checking he hadn't fallen off. You had horses when you were a kid and were able to keep your balance but you worried that Jungkook would slip off. He seemed to be holding on pretty well and kept nodding every time you turned.

You felt yourself pushing Lady to go faster when you reached the forest near the farmhouse. Your heart was pounding in your chest along with her rhythmic canter strides.

What if the others didn't make it out?
What if you and Jungkook had warned them too late?
What if Baehyun had killed them all?

These thoughts ran around your head but you tried not to panic too much. They had a good chance of making it out, they did last time.

You slowed Lady when you reached the edge of the forest. Through the gaps in the trees, you could see the house. It was on fire. The entire white farmhouse was ablaze and smoking thick, black smoke was billowing into the air. You saw about twelve figures running around outside, one threw something and more fire attacked the house.

"Come on!" You urged Jungkook and the two of you exploded out of the forest and galloped flat out towards the house.

As you went you pulled your gun out and started shooting the men that were throwing molotovs at the house. You hit one of them and he collapsed to the floor.

The rest of them ran for cover as you and Jungkook attacked them from behind. As you neared the house, trying to avoid the shots fired from Baehyun's men, you spotted some figures you recognised hiding behind the barn.

You pointed them out to Jungkook who was next to you and he directed himself towards them. You, on the other hand, went over to Baehyun's men who were shooting at your friends.

You hadn't noticed it had clouded over and light rain had started to fall from the grey sky. Your hair and clothes began sticking to you and the black smoke emanating from the burning building got thicker.

You flanked them, jumping off Lady and ducking behind one of their cars. These guys hadn't spotted where you'd gone so you used that to your advantage. You looked into the back of one of their trucks and saw an assault rifle with a small box of ammo. Smirking, you picked it up and took aim shooting each member of Baehyun's gang in turn.

You ducked when some of them started shooting back at you, their bullets bouncing off the truck. You heard the men shouting as the others began shooting back at them from behind the barn.

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