36. Oncoming horde

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(25th June)

After many fuel, toilet and night stops the group had finally arrived in the outskirts of Seoul. The huge city was coming closer and closer which only meant the number of Biters would increase. 

Jin stopped the car and you sat up from where you had been lying down on the back seats your head resting on Jungkook's lap while the two of you played rock, paper, scissors to pass the time.

"Why've we stopped?" He asked looked curiously through the windscreen, "Woah." You breathed a moment later after seeing we had stopped. 

The main road you were driving on was blocked with hundreds of cars crashed into each other in the way. Buses were turned upside down, burned black or just abandoned. There was no way you'd be able to drive through them all they were pushed too closely together, you were still on the outskirts of Seoul and it would be far to walk if you had to. 

"What's the plan? Over." Jin radioed over to Namjoon who was driving the other truck. 

"I'm not sure, let's get out and have a look." The leader responded getting out their truck. 

You and Jungkook jumped out of the doors glad to stretch your legs and looked around. You were currently on the main road that was one of the easiest and most direct routes into Seoul having to go back would make your journey much longer and you didn't have much fuel left. 

While the others talked about what to do you used a car to climb onto the roof of a sideways bus and looked further down the road. Cars were dotted around as far as you could see there was no way you'd drive through that much was obvious. 

Turning back around looking down the way you came you saw something that made your stomach drop a million miles with fear. 

"Guys?" you warned them but they didn't hear you because they were talking. "GUYS!" You shouted louder finally getting their attention. 

"What's up? " Namjoon asked as they all turned to face you. 

"We got a bigger problem to deal with..." you said knowing your face was going pale. 

"What?" Namjoon asked again turning around to see what you were looking at, "Shit." 

There was a horde of over a thousand walking down the road towards you. 

"Fuck! What do we do?" Jimin asked fear obvious in his voice. 

"Well, we have two choices," you said jumping down off the bus and rejoining the others, "We can either drive back towards them or run away from them and try and hide somehow." 

"Neither sound inviting," Taehyung muttered which was the truth but sadly there wasn't a third option. 

"What do we do, Namjoon-ah?" Hobi asked looking at him with his eyebrows furrowed together. 

"At this point, I have no idea," Namjoon sighed, "What're the chances of surviving if we hide?"

You thought for a moment, "Not high. If we hide we could be here for hours, maybe even days and Baehyun could catch up and kill us if they Biters haven't found us by then. Personally, I think we should drive back and try to find a different route." 

"Hang on," Yoongi said jogging back to the truck he was in and returning a second later with a map. He unfolded it and laid it down over the bonnet of one of the trucks so everyone could see it. 

"We could come in this way?" Jin suggested pointing to a different route into Seoul. 

"Can't that bridge collapsed back when the Infection first started," Jungkook said shaking his head. 

"What about this one?" Hobi suggested a different route. Taehyung started explaining why you couldn't use that one but you weren't listening you were deep in thought. 

"Why do we have to travel above ground?" You asked the group at large, "We could go in using the highway tunnel. It's risky because it could be blocked but we have less chance of seeing Infected because they blocked it while evacuating people. I remember my brother telling me about it when I was younger." 

"That's not a bad idea," Yoongi raised his eyebrows. 

"We currently don't have a better idea, so we all agreeing to try the tunnel?" Namjoon asked the group at large. Everyone nodded. 

The horde of infected was much closer than before and their moans could now be heard, "We need to get going. Now." 

"We need fresh people driving I think," Namjoon suggested, "Maknae's you can drive, right?"

"I can," you nodded while Jungkook shook his head. 

"They didn't teach soldiers to drive in the camps."

"Jimin?" Namjoon asked and Jimin nodded looking a little nervous, "Everyone else keep weapons close be prepared when we smash through them to have the go for the windows." 

"Y/N, are you good to lead the way? You were born in Seoul right?" Jimin called as everyone dispersed and you headed for the driver's door.

"Yeah, I'll do my best," you nodded making a mental map in your head which was difficult as you couldn't remember much about Seoul you were only a kid when you were taken out of the capital. 

The car door closed and everyone loaded their pistols ready making sure they all had a knife each, your dagger was strapped to your thigh and you hoped you wouldn't need it. 

"Ready? Over," You asked Jimin over the walkie-talkie. 

"Yes, following you, over."

"Keep me updated while we do this I wanna know if anything happens, over."

"I will, over and out for now." The line went quiet and you hooked your radio onto the dashboard so it'd be easy to grab. 

"Let's do this," you muttered starting the car and turning it around. 

"Is this a bad time to say you look hot driving?" Jungkook muttered quietly from the front passenger seat so only you could hear him. 

"I think so?" You chuckled looking ahead at the horde that was coming closer by the second. 

You picked up the walkie-talkie again, "Jimin oppa there is a road that breaks off this on to our right that will eventually lead us to our tunnel keep close to me and we'll find it, over." 

"Copy that, over and out," he responded and you could hear the nerves in his voice you were scared too but there wasn't anything to do about it. 

"This is such a bad idea," you muttered gripping the wheel tightly. 

"Have faith, Y/N. It will be impressive if it works out," Jin said in an optimistic voice that you could tell was hiding nerves. 

"True. Let's do this." Without hesitating, you accelerated the car towards the oncoming horde. 

Oh, damn shit going down!!!!

Survival of the fittest✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon