43. No such thing as luck

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(26th June)

"I really don't wanna do this," Jimin complained.

The three of you were stood on the edge of the tarmac looking into the dirty water with grim looks on your faces. It was obvious none of you wanted to get back into the cold water and get wet again, the worse of the water had dried off your clothes and the thought of having to get wet again wasn't an inviting one.

"The sooner we get through this the sooner we can get back to the others," Hobi motivated but he looked like he was trying to persuade himself as well. 

"He's right though. Plus this tunnel has to end at some point, right?" You agreed glancing at them either side of you.

"Sounds convincing," Jimin muttered making you chuckle. 

"Let's get it over with." You gently slid into the water trying to keep as much of yourself as dry as possible. The cold water took your breath away immediately and reached to the top of your stomach, you raised your arms into the air to keep them dry as Jimin and Hobi slid into the water next to you. 

"You know what this reminds me of?" Hobi distracted you and Jimin with conversation as you started wading through the water.

"What?" You asked feeling so cold you couldn't wait to be out in the June heat outside. 

"The time when we first met you Y/N, remember we went on the scout trip together?"

"Yeah," you chuckled remembering how much Jimin hated you and how much you wanted to fit in with them. 

"I didn't trust you then," Jimin added chuckling. 

"To be fair, I didn't trust any of you guys either," you admitted. 

"Look where we are now," Hobi had a small smile on his face. 

"Wading through freezing cold water trapped in a tunnel?" Jimin questioned sassily, "Brilliant holiday."

You and Hobi both burst out laughing, the sound echoed off the walls around you and carried all the way down the tunnel behind and in front of you. It was nice to laugh, you hadn't had a good laugh in a while and it made your lungs hurt. It was easy to panic in these kinds of situations and it easily overwhelms you but laughing always settled your nerves. Laughter was the best cure. 

"It's true though," Jimin defended himself when Hobi rolled his eyes at him. 

"Yeah, it is true," Hobi agreed smiling slightly, "I never imagined we'd find ourselves here though. Miles away from where we started, our relationships stronger than where we started too."

He did have a point this time. If someone told you you'd escape from Baehyun, go to Namjoon's Warehouse and go on an adventure with him and his guys that would lead you to Seoul you would've told them to piss off. Yet here you were with Namjoon and his guys on an adventure to Seoul. Funny how the world worked.

"I wouldn't change any of it though, not getting shot or almost drowning none of it," Jimin added. 

"We've just got very lucky," Hobi told him. 

"Nah," you shook your head looking at both of them, "No such thing as luck, everything happens for a reason." 

"You know you're starting to sound like Yoongi hyung?" Jimin pointed out.

"Oh no," you shook your head making the others laugh, "We can't have two together."

After the laughter died down Hobi asked, "Speaking of two, how are you and Jungkook?"

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