"You Should Wax"

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-Chapter 23-

Carl (POV)

Last night was beyond amazing. I left Bree's house right after we promised we wouldn't break each others heart. We both needed time and space to think about everything. I really still don't know where Bree and I stand but I guess that's why we're meeting today.

Bree (POV)

What are we now? Does what happened last night makes me his girlfriend? I've never before had a boyfriend and I sure as hell didn't need one. But again, thinking about Carl makes me doubt everything.

"Hey sissy, do you wanna watch some movies? It's been a while since we last hanged"

"Of course!"

"Great I'll go make the popcorn, you choose a movie"

She was right. Ever since we moved here and Lana works and I've got friends we haven't had much time for each other. I really loved spending time with her. Lana was my favourite human on earth. We laughed so much throughout the whole movie I even spilled soda from my nose! God I love my sister. We were really having an excellent time and she had made me completly forget about the Carl thing when a knock on the door interrupted us:"I'll go" Lana said


"Bree, Mandy's here". Mandy? What was she doing here?

"Tell her to come upstairs"


"Hey girl! Missed me?"

"Helll yeah, what you doin here?"

"Oh I hope it's okay that I came announced but I just wanted to see you"

"Looks like you missed me then"

"Mh, maybe". Lana came in the room and damn I felt really guilty I had left her alone

"Hey guys, I just came to tell Bree to stop worrying about me"

"How tf did you knew"

"Big sister's power" . We all laughed. "Now, seriously you guys do whatever you want I need to get ready for work anyways"

"Thanks Lana, love you"



Mandy and I hanged around the L all day. I barely know her but we were already pretty damn close, just like Jess and I. But Mandy was different. She was much mature than Jessie and braver in some way. She just didn't care about anyone else, so she was never afraid of anything. I loved that, it was just how I was trying to be.

Mandy wouldn't get off my back about the Carl thing, so I filled her in with every single detail. I told her from the day he healed my hand to yesterday when he fingered me.

"Omg he didn't!"

"Yeah he did. And it was great"

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