"I'm not scared Gallagher"

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-Chapter 7-


Mandy went through the window first but when I was about to follow someone grabbed me by my waist and turned me around. Carl. I hadn't noticed he was there too. But, wtf did he want now?

"Hey Mands wait there, Ill be down in a sec". I told Mandy through the window

Carl looked absolutely stoned. It was kinda scary actually seeing him like this. And shit got even more scarier when he pinned me to the windows not letting go of my wrist.

"Wtf Gallagher?". No answer.

"Are you gonna keep on staring or you gonna let me go?"

There was still no answer from him. He just kept on looking me straight in the eye, until he stepped forward putting us centimeters away from each other's faces.

My back was pressed down hard to the wall and I could feel Carl's breath on my body.There was definitely no escape.

"Come on ain't you happy to see me?". He finally said with his usual cocky look.

"Not when you're this stoned, no".

A huge smirk was drawn in his face, dangerously placed near mine. Any other time I would've considered this as a turn on, but not with him on this state. You can never know what someone drugged is about to do. And right know I feared for my life, I mean I was standing right next to a window, so yeah, I was hella afraid.

"What were you doing last night?". He finally said.

"What you care?"

"Why so feisty?". Ugh he's getting in my last nerve.

"You know, you're hot, but you're hotter when you're mad"

Ugh. I rolled my eyes at him and attempted to get away. But his grip got tighter by the second.

"Let me go Gallagher, I won't say it twice"

"I will, once you tell what you were doing on my corner"

"Step back. Last warning"

"Don't play dumb with me Breeana. Answer my question". God I loved how my name sounded in his mouth and he was just so dominant. But it was definitely not the time to think about that.

"You don't scare me Carl". Lie.

"You should be scared"

At this point I really thought he was just bluffing so I took off when I felt his grip loosen up. Or at least that's what I thought cause I gave one step away from him but he managed to bring me back in between him and the wall tightening his grip.

"What happened to the guy from yesterday huh? The one willing to save a stranger"

He looked at me confused. Almost as if I had told him that he was adopted or some shit like that. But I guess that my intentions to hurt him made an effect cause he just walked off leaving me breathless.



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