Bad Influence

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-Chapter 8-

Bree (POV)

Once Carl walked away I continued with my plans. So I went through the window where Mandy was waiting for me.


We walked through the alley parallel to the school so we wouldn't be seen by anyone and cause it was absolutely cool to smoke there. The mood was just perfect.

"Hey you wanna do something fun?". Mandy asked.

"Does fun mean ilegal?"

"Hell yeah"

"Then of course". I still don't know what came over me. Maybe I was mad at fucing Carl and I felt like this might keep my mind off him. Anyways, I've never been one to obey by the rules.

"There's a little shop over here. The owner works at the register and he's an ass"

"So I'm guessing you wanna steal from him"

"Exactly. It'll be fun"

Just like that I followed Mandy to the small indian shop.
She seemed to be pretty familiar with this kind of things cause she was hella ready. There were two ski masks on her bag and the rest of it was empty and ready to be filled with many many bills.


"Give me the money"

"What? You're joking right? Go play somewhere else girls"

"Give me the fucking money"

As Mandy kept on demanding the cash I saw the exact moment in which he took out his gun.
Luckily, I had been trained for moments like this one. So I skillfully took it out from his hand and pointed out at him.

"Do what she said. Now"

"Oh come on I bet you don't even-"

I knew exactly what he was about to say. I've heard it many times before. 'you're a girl you can't fight' 'she's a girl she probably doesn't know how to shoot' so before he could finish off that sentence I shot right above his head and to one of the cameras. ups that's going to be expensive to fix.

On our way out I showed him my middle finger and grabbed a bag of Doritos. I fucking love Doritos.


"Girl that was amazing! Where did you learnt that?"

"Yeah, you've got a good aim"

A guy appeared out of the shadows. Mandy's brother, Mickey. Apparently he was about to do the same.

"I've gotta leave now but we should definitely do it again tomorrow"

"Woah Mandy chill. It was fun but what about taking it easy? I say, once every 2 weeks?"



I went back home but the walk was pretty much longer than usual. I took another path cause Carl's house was right next to mine and I didn't feel like coming across him. Stupid decision cause now my feet hurt like a bitch. Anyways, I had enough time to think about my new life here.
I'm starting to really like Chicago, without counting what happened with Carl today, he wasn't my priority.
I was happy I had made such friends. I've actually never had real friends before. No, I'm not socially retarded or something like that. Its just that I always had to block people out cause I knew in a couple of months I was going to leave again. But not this time. This time I was staying for good.

Even though today was great it wore me off. I just laid on my bed and was ready to sleep on the same clothes I used for gym and without taking a bath first. Gross but true. That was my plan until:

* buzz buzz *

From Derek: Hey Bree it's Derek from gym class. Hope you don't mind but I asked one of your friends for your number...

To Derek: Hi what's up? Don't worry I don't mind.

From Derek: Cool..... I don't really know how to say this without coming across like needy but, there's a party tonight at a friends house and I was really hoping to see you there. You can totally bring a friend with. What you say?

To Derek: Sure sounds fun. Text me the address.


To Jess: Jesssssss you up?

From Jess: Yeah just finished my homework. What's up? Already missing me?

To Jess: You wish.
I just got invited to a party wanna come?

From Jess: Breeana you crazy? It's Monday!

To Jess: Oh come onnn! Live a little! I'll pick you up in an hour!

From Jess: Ugh you're such a bad influence


Yeah she was right. I'm toxic baby


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