The Restaurant

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"We're here. You okay?" Jisoo looks worriedly at her younger sister, Jennie, as she puts the car to a stop in front of the restaurant Seokjin texted her.

"Yeah! I'm good!" Jennie reasons out. But Jisoo knew her better, aside from the fact that her voice was a bit shaky, Jennie's ears were turning a bit red. Jennie releases a deep sigh as she looked back at her sister with a nervous smile.

"You know. I could cancel the meet up, Jennie-ah." Jisoo says as she takes a hold of Jennie's left hand softly.

"It's - It's okay unnie. I can manage. Besides this won't take a while, right?" Jennie asks as she tilts her head to the side.

"Of course. It'll be over before you know it." Jisoo reassures Jennie as they both laughed a bit before grabbing their handbags and leaving the car. "Let's go?" Jisoo asks as she walks beside Jennie while grabbing her right hand and pulling her along as they walked inside the restaurant.

"Good afternoon." The receptionist welcomes them warmly with a smile.

"Table for the Kim's please." Jisoo says and the receptionist immediately calls a waiter to assist the both of them inside the restaurant towards their reserved table.

Jennie tightly clings to her sister as her eyes roam around the fancy restaurant while Jisoo looks at her younger sister with glee at her complete cuteness. After a couple of minutes, the waiter motions them to a table before bowing down and leaving them to serve another table.

"Do you think we got ditched unnie?" Jennie whispers as they both took an empty seat.

"Who ditched who?" A loud voice responds after Jennie's question making the two ladies freeze in their seats. Jisoo takes a look and recognizes Seokjin with a smug look plastered on his face. Jisoo absentmindedly rolls her eyes at him and smiles at Jennie who just calmed down from the sudden interruption.

Seokjin took his seat beside Jisoo before clearing his throat and awkwardly smiles making the two ladies chuckle at his action. Seokjin realizes how awkward he looked so he stopped smiling and started blushing madly after embarassing himself in front of his fiancé and his sister-in-law.

"Yah! Namjoon!" Seokjin suddenly shouts and both ladies look at where he was looking at. Namjoon recognizes his older cousin's voice and moves toward their table while taking in deep breaths as if he just came in running.

"Hello Jin Hyung, Jisoo-ah, Jennie-ah. Sorry if I came in late." He says in deep breaths as he took the seat beside Jennie who avoided his gaze. "These are for you." Namjoon says as he hands a lovely bouquet of fresh dandelions to Jennie who blushed as she slowly grabbed the flowers from his hands.

"Thank you Namjoon o-oppa." Jennie says as she smelled the flowers before smiling at Namjoon who had adorned his face with his lovely dimpled smile.

Jisoo looks at the couple in front of them lovingly until Seokjin clears his throat making her glare at him for interrupting the "moment".

"So since Namjoon is here already. I guess Jisoo and I could leave now for our date too. So come on." Seokjin says as he stands up while grabbing Jisoo by her wrist and dragging her out the restaurant.

"But -" was the only thing Jisoo had said as she got dragged by Seokjin away from her younger sister who looked worriedly at her. But no matter how much Jisoo struggled, her strength was no match to the hold Seokjin had on her as they went out the restaurant, leaving Namjoon and Jennie alone.

"Uhm hey?" Namjoon says as he rubs his neck while looking down avoiding Jennie's gaze. "I'm sorry about that. Don't worry, I'll be taking you home after our date. And for your sister, there's nothing to be worried about. She's in good hands." He says as he looks at Jennie while smiling awkwardly.

"Oh.. o-okay oppa." Jennie responds as she looks at Namjoon's eyes making both of them blush as they stared at each other for a while.

"So. Why don't we get to know each other further as we eat?" Namjoon suggests as Jennie nods her head in excitement at the thought of food.

"I like the thought of that! This is your treat right?" Jennie asks as she goes to check the menu.

"Of course it's my treat! Who'd want a pretty lady like you to pay the bill on the first date?" Namjoon taunts Jennie as they both laughed at each other before calling a waiter to order their food.

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