The Second Meet

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"Slow down your horses bae. I'm already outside. I'll go inside in a few seconds, okay?" Jennie says with a soft laugh. The call soon got ended by the other person on the line after a minute or two.

Jennie relieves a heavy sigh as she grabs her handbag and places her phone and her car keys inside it as she steps out of the car, successfully locking it, before making her way towards the newly opened cat cafe near their block.

She pushes the door open, making the chimes make a soft clinking sound, alerting the people inside of her arrival. Some of the workers gave her a smile and a small bow, making Jennie blush a little before returning a smile back.

The cat cafe was somehow preoccupied with a lot of customers who were either talking among their companions, taking a bite of their orders or happily playing with the cats of different breeds and sizes.

Her gaze lands over a tall, beautiful woman clad in a pretty, red, floral dress who was excitedly waving her right hand in the air. Jennie playfully rolls her eyes as she made her way to the woman who was grinning widely at her arrival. The table was on the far end, by the glass window.

"My main bae finally arrived." Joy says playfully as she sends a flying kiss towards Jennie who warmly caught it with her left hand before sitting down on the seat across Joy. "About time." She continued as she went to pet the fluffy orange cat lying on her lap.

"I apologize. But hey ~ I'm here. And that's all that matters." Jennie replies while grinning over her best friend.

"I ordered ahead. But you got to pay because you arrived late - again." Joy says as she hugs the cat closer to her chest while sticking her tongue out at Jennie.

"I wasn't going to allow you to pay it anyways." Jennie replies as she goes to fish her credit card out to show Joy who just rolled her eyes out and went to pet the cat in her arms.

"Anyways. Bae? How are you doing? I am so sorry for not being able to come and visit you when you were rushed to the hospital." Joy asks aloud, her voice coated with worry and concern.

"It's okay bae. I am doing well thanks for asking. I have been making sure I am eating on time and resting well." Jennie smiles at her best friend as she goes to dip some fries on some sour cream before eating it cheerfully. "This taste like heaven!"

"Wait until you have a taste of their pasta. You'll be begging the chef for its recipe." Joy says while giggling as she goes to twirl some pasta with her fork and feeds it to Jennie who gladly opened her mouth wide.

"Omo!" Jennie says aloud as she goes to clasp her hand over her mouth as the other one fans her as she finishes eating the pasta. "I got to meet the chef. This is the best pasta my taste buds have ever tasted!"

"I know right." Joy says while smirking.

The two continued eating peacefully while exchanging small laughters from time to time. As Jennie takes a sip of her vanilla shake, she lets out a small yelp, barely heard by anyone apart from their table.

Joy looks at her worriedly but Jennie just shakes her head and laughs as she goes to check under the table. She squeals lightly as she witnesses a small kitten who was as white as snow and had beautiful blue eyes.

She picks it up carefully and shows it to Joy who just squealed back at her. The kitten was so small, it fit perfectly on her hand. She begins cooing it as it yawns and starts to snuggle into her hand more, making her smile and soft.

"Thank you so much for bringing me to this happy place, Joy. You don't know how badly I wanted to go to places like this." Jennie says as she lays the kitten down on her lap.

"My pleasure bae. You know how precious you are to me. Plus, I know you're stressed out with almost everything. From school to your own home. I would love to help you relax from all of your responsibilities as the second Kim daughter." Joy says while smiling at her best friend. "Even if it is just for the time being."

"Now I wished we still go to the same school. It sucks not having you here in Seoul anymore." Jennie retorts back as she crosses her arms over her chest and pouts, the small kitten stretching on her lap playfully.

"I know. We could have skipped classes together and had countless sleepovers. It truly sucks being Kim Jennie and Park Sooyoung eh?" Joy replies timidly but soon smiles back at Jennie who smiled in return.

"It sucks being a daughter of a rich business tycoon, doesn't it?" Jennie asks as she bitterly laughs.

"I couldn't agree more babe." Joy says as she raises her cup of black coffee up making Jennie raise her glass of vanilla shake too, clashing their cup and bottle as if giving a toast before laughing.

"Snow? Snow? Come out. Come out wherever you are." Someone coos and the kitten on Jennie's lap tiredly stands up on all fours before leaping out onto the floor and meows. "Oh there you are. Come here, love."

Jennie sat there frozen as she looks at the person who cooed for the kitten who was lying innocently on her lap a while ago. It was the same young man who played the piano at the hospital.

The young man held the kitten so preciously onto his hand as he softly pets it, making it yawn and doze off in a matter of seconds.

"Ah - I apologize. But would it be alright if I take Snow now? I am taking her to the vet for her injection." The young man says as he bows down slightly before standing straight up.

"Su-sure. It's fine!" Jennie stutters as she diverts her attention from the young man's gaze. Joy notices her discomfort and bites her lip to stifle a laugh.

"Thank you so much for understanding! In exchange, please have some of our special cookies. Free of charge -" The young man says as he motions with his hand ordering a cute waiter to do his order. "Please enjoy your stay. We have to be going now. Farewell ladies." He says as he gave a gummy smile before leaving the cafe, the kitten still in his hands.

"Excuse me ladies, here are your bags of cookies, compliments from our boss Yoongi." The cute waiter says as he kindly places two pouches of bag on our table.

'So Yoongi is his name eh? Now I know. Plus! That's a pretty cool name for a guy.' Jennie mentally says to herself.

"Thanks Hoshi." Joy says to the cute waiter who continues to take orders from the table beside ours.

"How did you know his name?" Jennie questions Joy as she grabs a pouch and places it securely on her handbag.

"Duh. It was on his name tag?" Joy says as she opens her pouch and bites on a cookie. "Now this is heaven! Seriously does every food here taste so good it might as well make us sin?"

Jennie just shakes her head as she finishes her shake. But was soon interrupted by Joy who was looking at her with a smug look on her pretty face.

"Anyways I just had to ask bae. Do you have perhaps the hots for that Yoongi guy or what?" Joy teases Jennie who immediately starts blushing deep red.

"You're mistaken. I barely even know the guy." Jennie replies as she dabs a tissue on her lips, careful not to mess her lipstick.

"Well I like him for you. He seems like a good guy. Plus he's not rude and he has manners! So I ship it." Joy says with a grin adorning her face.

"Oh shut up. I already have Namjoon." Jennie says as she crumples the used tissue and tosses it to Joy's face who just laughed at her.

"Oh yeah ~ You already have that lover boy. Hmm. In that case, he better not play with you or else I, Park Sooyoung, will chase him down and rip all the hairs out from his body. Or I'll cut off his you-know-what." Joy says as she smirks at her best friend, making Jennie roll her eyes out and laugh at her threat.

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