The Truth Untold

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It was a bright Sunday morning, the sky was clear and the morning sun was brightly shining. A lot of people were out, enjoying the warmth of the sun. Kids were playing games as parents talked among themselves, occasionally laughing for a while as they watched their little children play. A few cars were on the road, passing each other at an intersection.

Rosé smiled a bit as she pedalled faster her bike towards her destination, which in this case was Jimin's household.

She received a text from Jimin's hyung that Jimin was sick with flu and had high fever that day, making the female worried as hell for the male.

She was off to visit the young man to help in taking care of him as his hyung was off to work, despite it being a Sunday, leaving no one to watch over Jimin while his hyung was away as their maids were on their required day off. So she immediately told Jimin's hyung that she could come over and watch over Jimin in his place.

After a few minutes later, Rosé parked her bike outside the Park's gate and went off of it to ring the bell to inform the people inside of her arrival.

But three minutes passed and still no one had opened up the gate for her.

"Could I be at the wrong house?" Rosé asked herself as she went to check her phone to review the address Jimin's hyung sent to her earlier and the number placed neatly by the gate. "Weird, I wonder if his hyung already had left for work." Rosé says as she places her phone in her back pocket before ringing the bell again for the fifth time.

A few seconds after her last bell, the gate opened revealing someone that Rosé never would expect to see that day.

"Yo-yoongi?" Rosé says as her eyes went wide at seeing Yoongi unexpectedly. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh hey Chae!" Yoongi says casually with his gummy smile as he opened the gate further to let her in. "I am sorry for opening the gate late. I had to change for work before leaving Jimin."

"You're Jimin's hyung??" Rosé asked as she pulled her bike inside and parked it just near the gate before grabbing the fruit basket she brought for Jimin.

"Such a small world eh? I just found a few days ago that you were his fiancé." Yoongi says while smiling before grabbing the fruit basket from Rosé's hands with only his right hand as he used his left to open the door for Rosé who kept on blushing with what Yoongi said as she entered before Yoongi. "Welcome to our humble abode! Please make yourself at home while I go place these babies in the kitchen."

Rosé went to go and look at the pictures hanged on the wall near the fireplace. They were of Jimin and Yoongi from their baby to recent pictures. She giggled at a picture where she assumed it was the two when they were toddlers, eating icecream while smiling, Jimin with his eye smile and Yoongi with his gummy one.

"Ah I see you have seen our pictures." Yoongi says as he walks back into the living room, returning from the kitchen.

"It's not hard to see as it's visibly seen even from the doorway." Rosé giggles as she crossed her arms and walks over to where Yoongi was.

"Me and Jimin grew up together as we were the only child of our parents who were always away on a business trip. We grew up having each other's back regardless of whatever situation we were in. Even if we aren't blood related, we promised to treat each others like real brothers so I guess that explains why even as we aged we are still inseparable." Yoongi says as he looks over the wall filled of their pictures with lovingly eyes before staring back at Rosé with a warm smile. "Anyways! It might be too early to say this, but I'm glad he met you Chae. I ship both of you."

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