The Song

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"We're here!" Taehyung happily said as he removed his seatbelt and went out of his car, only to reach Jisoo's side and open her car door for her.

Jisoo timidly goes out of the car as she gulped and took in her surroundings before asking Taehyung of their whereabouts.

"Uh where are we - ?"

"In the middle of no where."

"What?? Are you serious!"

"Hey chill babe - you worry too much. Come, follow me."

Taehyung said as he motioned Jisoo to follow after him, as he ventured further into the forest.

"Are you sure it's safe to leave your car out there? Someone might steal it away." Jisoo said as she struggled in following after Taehyung who took long strides. Thank God, she didn't wear heels that day.

"Nah you're more precious than the car. I mean if someone did steal it, I could just buy a new one." Taehyung said as he stopped walking and had faced Jisoo who stopped walking as well and stared back at him with confused eyes. "But if someone would have stolen you away - I couldn't find someone close to you so you're far precious than any car or anything at all." He continued as he smiled, with his rectangular smile.

"Ugh real smooth Taehyung. Now move - and let's head out to wherever it is your taking me." Jisoo replied as she pushed Taehyung to start walking again.

After a few minutes of walking through a lot of pine trees and wild bushes, Taehyung and Jisoo reached a wall of green hanging vines.

"Hey, do you trust me?" Taehyung asked Jisoo as he held out his hand for her. She reluctantly took it and nodded before Taehyung chuckled as he held Jisoo's hand tightly as he maneuvered the hanging vines, revealing a tunnel. Jisoo stared in awe as they walked through the dimly lit tunnel until they reached the far end - revealing a small hut.

The right side of the hut had a small lake, with a bridge that crosses over the entire lake. Meanwhile its left side had a garden, filled with rows of different flowers, freshly bloomed and healthily growing.

"Welcome to my safe haven." Taehyung said proudly.

"Wow - this is so beautiful Taehyung." Jisoo said as she admired the beautiful site before her.

"Come. I'll show you the inside." Taehyung said as he grabbed Jisoo's arm and tugged her towards the small hut.

As soon as they reached the front porch, Taehyung pulled out the keys from a flower pot at the foot of the door as he unlocked the door, letting it flew open so Jisoo could freely enter it before he did.

"This is my studio - it's where I paint my masterpieces." Taehyung said as he closed the door and walked behind Jisoo who examined his finished and unfinished artworks displayed on the walls and placed messily all over the floor.

The entire room were filled of his artworks and his art materials, scattered messily all over the place. A portion of the wall had an unfinished mural painting of a beautiful scenery and on the far end - a white grand piano was located near a huge window. On top of it, a silver saxophone was placed.

Jisoo softly giggled as she remembered what Jennie revealed about Taehyung's inclination towards music.

"You know how to play the piano and saxophone?" Jisoo asked - although she already knew the answer.

"A bit - " Taehyung cleared his throat before continuing. "I was in the same music class as your sister, Jennie. Back in middle school." He revealed as he bit his lip and looked away from Jisoo.

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