The Forgiving Heart

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"Thank you so much for coming over despite the short notice Jennie." Seokjin said as he gave a small bow towards the younger female, his face adorned with a sad smile as he faced her. "It's been three days since the funeral. Ever since then - he's isolated himself inside his room - barely eating anything or coming out either. All he did was drink beer relentlessly." He stated as he clenched his fists, Jennie nodding slightly at him as she clutched her handbag and fixed her tucked in plain white shirt and cardigan. "Please I do hope you can break in some sense in him. He's been hating himself, blaming for his mother's death."

"I'll go and see what I can do. Can you show me where he is?" Jennie asked him with pleading eyes, her eyes darting above the stairs as she took notice of Taehyung descending half down the stairs before he halts and looked at her with a frown.

"Taehyung will show you his room as I have to go and check up on his father as well." Seokjin replied as he took another small bow before leaving towards the garden where Namjoon's father was at - drinking some whiskey while heavily crying out.

"Come. His room is upstairs." Taehyung calmly said as he motioned Jennie to come up the stairs with him towards Namjoon's room. They moved about before they reached a plain white door - with an 'RM' emblem on its front, coated in silver. "This is his room." Taehyung said as he faced Jennie who was about to open it but he had held her hand and gripped it slightly, making Jennie look at him with a raised brow. "Thank you for being here. I - I hope you can make hyung understand it wasn't his fault for auntie's death and that he should stop hating himself for it. Please Jennie-ah, bring hyung back. The old, bright and cheerful him."

"I'll try my best to see what I can do to help him Taehyung. This is just a phase everyone normally goes through after losing someone they loved." Jennie replied as she patted his left shoulder with her free hand. Taehyung then releases her as she then softly knocked the door three times before entering it fully by herself, leaving Taehyung by the door - who soon had left to give the two some privacy to talk.

As soon as Jennie entered the room - she was engulfed in darkness as the lights were completely off and the blinds were closed which prevented any sun light coming in the room. She sighed as she barely could see anything and so she maneuvered her way sideways as she went to find the switch. Her hands kept patting the wall, before she felt the switch, flicking it on as the darkness fled and was replaced by light - revealing the contents of Namjoon's room.

The room was an entire mess. The floor was filled of scattered empty bottles of beer. The bedsheets was lying by the foot of the bed as the pillows were tossed on the side. Namjoon's bookshelf was ridded of its books except one particular thick book. The other books were lazily scattered at the foot of the shelf.

But Namjoon wasn't in sight - and so Jennie had to peer in his walk in closet only to see some of his clothes off the racket and were messily discarded on the floor. She even checked his bathroom only to see his mirror broken. Jennie frowned as she goes to pick up Namjoon's phone that was lying on the tiled floor only to see it with a broken screen. It was the phone he keeps as a spare - the one he used personally as he had another one intended for his business relations only. Namjoon must have thrown this at his mirror causing it to break and crack.

Jennie placed the broken phone on the counter before she went back to his bedroom.

"Seokjin said he hasn't went out of his room for days. So that means he must be just inside here - but where could he be." She said to no one in particular as she searched across the room, observing clues that may lead her to him.

She hums before here eyes landed on the book that remained in place on Namjoon's shelf. She approaches it carefully as she dodged the other books on the floor to reach it - she tilts her head on the side as she read it's title - "The Two Fated Lovers". She smiled as she goes to pick it up but as she tilted the book, the wall beside the shelf moved revealing a passageway that led to what seemed a different hidden room.

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