The Knight

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It was past midnight and yet Jisoo was still wide awake. She tossed around her bed, sighing in defeat.

She sat up - groaning as she grabbed her phone and went inside her walk-in closet, grabbing some denim shorts, sleeveless shirt and her favorite jacket.

Jisoo then slid off her nightgown and wore the clothes she picked before grabbing a pair of black high cut converse shoes, wearing them after putting on some socks.

She then grabbed her phone to check the time before grabbing her purse and car keys.

Jisoo then sneaked out of her room and went downstairs towards the garage - after carefully opening the garage door, Jisoo then rode her car and drove off away from their mansion.

She wasn't exactly sure where she was headed to, but she knew that she needed some quality time for herself.

After a few minutes of driving all over Seoul - Jisoo then decided to make a stop at a nearby club for a couple of drinks.

As soon as she had securely parked her car, she then grabbed her purse and went inside the club, disregarding the looks and stares she received from both the men and women. Jisoo just glared back at them and rolled her eyes - she didn't feel bothered of their stares.

When she got in - loud music was heard blaring from the huge speakers accompanied by the changing colors of the disco lights that illuminated and decorated the room.

Jisoo bobs her head softly along the beat of the music before she strutted her way towards the bar. The club was pretty occupied but the people were all over each other at the dance floor - rocking to the sound of the music the DJ was playing that were all totally lit.

The bartender asks her for her drink once she sat on the metal stool, offering her different names that Jisoo wasn't aware of. She just calmly chose the name of the drink she thought was nice.

The bartender then nodded and had went to immediately prepare her drink. Jisoo took this as the chance to look at her surroundings - it wasn't that dark as she expected it would.

Jisoo turns her gaze back at the bartender who placed her drink in front of her before attending to another customer.

Jisoo weirdly stares at her drink - it was obviously her first time drinking something aside from wine and scotch. But she cleared her throat as she grabbed the glass of an unknown pinkish alcoholic beverage and took a huge gulp of it - almost half emptying it.

Jisoo made a scowl as she felt her throat burning, as if it was on fire. But she liked it. Once she finished her drink, she went to order a few more - she already lost count when she reached five.

All she understood was that she felt tipsy already after drinking her last glass. Jisoo smiled to no one in particular as she grabbed some cash and left it on the counter before she stumbled her way out of the club - bumping with a few people.

She only giggled when she would bump into someone, and laughed when the person would curse at her or scold her. She didn't mind - as she just shooed them away and kept on walking out of the club.

When she was out, a cold gush of air greeted her, making Jisoo embraced herself as she slowly but surely approached her car which was safely parked at the far end of the block.

Jisoo kept on stumbling her way and so she just leaned over the brick wall and used it to balance herself as she walked further close to her car.

As she was slowly making her way - soft whistles could be heard from afar until Jisoo sped up her walk. It seemed as if it was only her and the unknown person who was out on the streets that time.

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