The Accident

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Jennie felt rather cold despite of wearing a sweater as she tapped her foot impatiently and bit her lip while waiting for the elevator to reach the floor where Namjoon's room was in. She felt nervous as she wondered how Namjoon was at the moment - whether he was safe, in a critical condition or much worse - dead. Jennie hoped it wasn't the last one though.

The elevator made a ping sound signalling that they have reached the floor. As soon as the door swung open, Jennie ran out and sped off to Namjoon's room which was at the far end of the hall way. Joy, who was with her that time, had panted as she ran after her best friend.

Jennie held in all her tears as she clutched her heart as she reached Namjoon's door but soon gave in as she opened it only to reveal Namjoon - safe and alive - although with cuts and bruises on his arm, some part of his neck and his face.

"Oh God - " Jennie said as she ran to engulf Namjoon in an embrace. "Thank God you're alive Joonie! I - I - I thought I lost you!" She said as she bursted into tears.

Namjoon just winced as Jennie hugged him more but he smiled as he hugged her back while soothing her.

Seokjin and the other Kim sisters had excused themselves out together with Joy and Tzuyu to leave the couple some privacy.

"Yah! What happened?? Why were you in an accident?" Jennie said as she sat by Namjoon's hospital bed and poked his chest.

"I was driving home from work when I saw this old woman cross the street, it was going smoothly until I noticed that another car was speeding towards the old woman and so I decided to do something to save the woman's dear life."

"Which was to block the speeding car with your own car??" Jennie said with a raised eye brow as she shook her head and flicked Namjoon's stubby chin. "You could have died you know!"

"Yah! But I didn't!"

"But you could have!" Jennie replied as she yet again flicked Namjoon's chin.

"What's with the constant flicking??" Namjoon groaned out as he rubbed his chin and pouted.

"Do you even know how worried I was!" Jennie said as she began crying louder, making Namjoon feel guilty as he went to wipe her tears away with his hand and pinched both of Jennie's cheeks.

"I'm sorry if I got you worried." Namjoon softly said as he continued to pinch Jennie's cheeks. "I didn't know I was that important to you."

"Yah! Of course you are important to me! Would I cry like this if you aren't?" Jennie replied as she swatted Namjoon's hands away from her cheeks as she slapped his unharmed shoulder.

"Stop crying already. I'm alive aren't I? You know I hate seeing you cry."

"Then don't do anything this risky ever again!"

"But I saved a life -"

"But you almost lost yours! What if the crash was lethal huh? You would have died! Didn't we promised each other we'd stay by each other's side?? We're you backing out on that promise!" Jennie said as she stood up and wailed her hands all over the place as Namjoon softly smiled at her.

"A promise is a promise." He shortly replied as Jennie huffed and sat beside him again, engulfing him in another hug.

"Hey Joonie."


"Remember when you said you wanted me to stay?"

"Yes? Wait are you lea -"

"Let me finish first."

"Ahh right. My apologies. What about it?"

"You said you didn't mind if I stayed as a friend - or as a lover. As long as I stayed right?"


"Well I made up my mind. I'm staying for good."

"But you already sworn that -"

"No Joonie. That day I promised to stay, still uncertain as what. But now I am sure of what I want to do - And that is staying as your lover."

"What!!! Eh - are you - kidding right now?" Namjoon said as he blushed a deep red at Jennie's comment. "Are you sure? Cause that's some deep shit we're talking about."

"Gosh Joonie, yes I'm dread serious here. I'm staying as your lover." Jennie said as she bopped Namjoon's nose while blushing as well. "Unless you want us to be just friends -"

"No! No! Definitely not as friends please! I love you! I want you! Please marry me!" Namjoon bursted out as he gasped about his last statement, deeply blushing a deeper shade this time as Jennie sat there frozen.

"Uh what was that again?" Jennie said as she pursed her lips and prevented herself from smiling as she might have misheard it.

"Uhm Nothing -" Namjoon said with a tune, dragging the -thing part, much longer than it should.

"Joonie." Jennie taunts the man as she squinted her eyes at him, making Namjoon heave a heavy sigh.

"Fine! Fine! Fine! I know this is probably the lamest thing ever but since you said you wanted to stay with me as my lover -" Namjoon said as he removed the necklace his mother left him to remove a silver diamond ring and showing it to Jennie whose eyes began to tear up as she clasped her hands over her mouth in surprise. "Will you take this ring - and marry me and have kids with me?" Namjoon said as he smiled at Jennie, tears attempting to fall down in a matter of seconds as he watched Jennie nod her head slightly and held out her hand. Namjoon then slides the ring on her finger as the two of them share again another hug.

"My main bae is finally getting hooked! Oh good Lord this is such a sight!" Joy said as she ran to hug Jennie tightly who laughed and uttered a thank you back at her.

"Oh my God - did I just witnessed what I think I did witnessed or is this a dream! Someone pinch me - Ow!" Jisoo said as she yelped when Lisa did actually pinched her.

"You asked for it! Anyways congratulations you two!" Lisa said as she winked at Jennie and Namjoon.

"Omo so Jennie unnie is going to be the first one getting married! Ahh - this is so exciting!" Rosé squealed as she brutally shook Lisa who looked like her soul left her body from the constant shaking. "We have to set the plans ready!"

"Congrats you two! But seriously Joon - you had to propose now? At the hospital?" Seokjin said as he approached Namjoon to ruffle his hair around as he head locked him.

"Yah! I love her and she loves me - I think that's all that matters." Namjoon replied as he tried to remove himself away from Seokjin's grip.

"Fair point." Seokjin said as he lets go of Namjoon so he could face Jennie. "Make sure to make me the uncle of your children okay?" He said out loud as he taunts the two who deeply blushed at his remark.

"Papa is so going to be happy when he hears about this! Hold on and let me make a call." Jisoo said as she happily dialled their father's number to inform him of the sudden engagement of his second daughter.

Meanwhile Lisa and Rosé took turns as they hugged Jennie and congratulated her for her engagement. While Joy reminded Namjoon of a long list of Jennie's likes and dislikes as Seokjin tried to call his younger brother whom he hasn't seen or heard from within the past three days.

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