Chapter 25

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"You look like shit," I crack my eyes open from my couch to see the figure before me.

"Gee, thanks," I yawn, stretching my arms over my head, feeling as my back pops. "How'd you get in here anyway?"

"That would be thanks to me," the blonde perks her head around the wall with a smile. "I thought someone should come check on you, being as you haven't been in school the last couple days," Hannah sways her way into the living room, kicking some clothes around as she moves. "When I first entered I thought someone had died," she sniffs a shirt and tosses it down, her face scrunching in disgust. "Turns out your alive, place just smells like shit."

"Why did I give you a key again?" I try to raise a brow but I'm so exhausted I don't think those muscles are working right now.

"You're so cute," she taps my nose with a giggle and I jerk away from her.

"How's your face?" Darren questions, walking over and dropping down on a chair Lee had given me.

"Fine," I growl, seriously not wanting to think about the blow Max gave me. Man can hit.

"Didn't even fight back, Colt," Hannah points out and I just grumble something I don't even know as I head to the kitchen to get me something to drink. "Everyone is talking about it…"

"I don't care what everyone is talking about," I admit, never really giving two shits what people say about me.

"It's unlike you to let someone hit you Colton," Darren states. "Why? Why didn't you fight back? Or I don't know at least defend yourself…"

"What's there to defend?" I toss my arms to the side with a dry laugh. "If it was me I would have done the same thing, probably worse. He honestly showed a hell of a lot restraint," I admit, knowing from what Tenley told me about Jack it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

"So it's true," Hannah runs her hand over the top of my couch. "What everyone is saying it true?"

"What's everyone saying?" I question and watch as the two of them share a look before Hannah looks down.

"People just don't get why you didn't fight him back…"

"Look I don't know alright," I run my hand through my hair shaking my head. "Max had the right to hit me, I was in the wrong. Plus do you know what Tenley would do if I hit her brother? She would murder me," I let out a slight chuckle knowing Tenley would completely destroy me. It doesn't matter what she and I might have been through, I take one swing at her brother and she will do way worse to me than Max ever would.

"Your girl isn't having a great last few days," Darren informs me and my brows knit together confused by what he means by that.


"Admitting she is your girl, huh?" Hannah giggles a little beside me and I roll my eyes that not at all the point right now.

"Colton," Darren shakes his head, leaning forward and resting his arms on his knees. "There are some rumors going around, I don't know what is true and what isn't but I'm pretty sure most aren't. However people don't care about that, all they care about is what they hear and what they hear shows Ten, in not so great light."

"She didn't do anything…" my temper flares and I feel the blood start to race through my veins.

"I know, and most the time I would say not to stress, rumors die down but I don't think this one is going to go away too fast," Hannah informs me. "Riley isn't going to let them die down that fast."

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