2. where I can't follow

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Pulling in a long breath, she stretched her arms above her head and let out a long yawn. Flipping into the warm body that was snuggled against her she frowned at the mark along his normally flawless cheek.

She hated what happened, hated they saw him and hated how she felt like she was thrown back into being that scared sixteen year old she once was. She hated even more how often she actually saw him.

They had a class together.

When she first got her schedule, she did all she could to hide that from Colton. She was doing a great job of it too, until one day he woke up early for a work out and wanted to take her to class. She told him no, she was fine and he just get to practice and he instantly knew something was up. He walked like it was nothing; she nervously fiddled with her necklace and when he paused to tell her bye he glanced into the room to see him up in the top row finishing up some homework.

Colton flipped out.

He went on to yell at her for not telling him, told her he didn't understand why she just didn't transfer out of the class, then somehow turned it into her lying to him. However she wasn't lying...it honestly never came up.

Yet she knew it was bound to happen at some point. Jack was studying to be a doctor, like his father, and she at first was going for the nursing program, until she really decided what she wanted to do. The classes didn't really sync up being as Jack had been in college a good five years before she got there. However apparently his dear ole dad hated he slacked off his freshman year and didn't get an A in some lame history class. Tenley's luck was just so awesome that he decided to retake the class the same semester she had to take it.

She was shocked when she walked into class, but she thinks he looked more shocked. Almost as shocked as when he found out about Colton and her's relationship. He wasn't pleased. Why she doesn't know...

"Why are you awake?" his deep mumble rang through the room and she just wiggled closer as his eyes remained closed. "It's too early love..."

"I have my 8:30 class," she reminded him and he just groaned making her laugh. He was the worst morning person. "Trying to decide if I want to take a shower, or just throw my hair up in a ponytail and go in sweats..."

"Which one keeps you in bed longer?" his arm snaked around her slim waist and tugged her body into him. His eyes still having yet to open, Tenley swearing he might still be in that half asleep, half-awake stage.

"Obviously the sweats," she teased and he shrugged and pulled her in tight.

"Guess that settles it," he started to drift back off and she giggled.

"Oh Boyfriend..." she kissed his nose and stroked her hand over his bruised cheek. "I'm sorry," she whispered pressing a kiss to it and heard him sigh.

"Stop..." he order, finally cracking open his eyes and she smiled when she saw the gorgeous pale blue. "Just stop Ten...it's not a big deal..."

"I know..." she pulled in a long breath and lifted her eyes up to his. "I love you..." she whispered softly, lifting her chin for a sweet kiss.

"You too..." he whispered back and pulled the sheet higher up over them. "Sleep thirty more minutes and then you can put on some sexy sweats and leave..."

"Ok..." she giggled shaking her head at her boyfriend. He was truly adorable but a complete mess. Curling her body into him she enjoyed the warmth of his body and the safety of his arms before slowly drifting back off to sleep.

"Well someone looks awesome," the large body dropped beside her and she sent him a glare. Well she thinks it was a glare, she was still so tired she wasn't sure if those muscles were working yet. "Like a million bucks..."

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