Chapter 29

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"Colton…" I giggle as we walk to the lunchroom. "You look like a straight up mess," I smooth out his shirt and adjust his collar.

"Not my fault," he grumbles, sliding his hands up my thighs making me squirm. "You know what these things do to me," he growls, dipping his head down to nip at my neck making a chill run down my spine. "And it's been weeks Ten," he reminds me, us not sleeping together since the last time at his ball game. It the definition of a quickie.

"I'm sorry," I fake a pout and his eyes narrow on me. "I am!" I let out a laugh and he growls stepping himself back from me and pouting his way into the cafeteria. "Colton!" I try to quiet my laughter as I follow quickly after him.

"I'm not talking to you," he grumbles and again a slightlaugh comes from me and he just glares at me more.

"Oh Colty," I tease, sliding my arms around his waist from behind as he stands in line to get food. "I'm just kidding," I push up on my toes, completely ignoring the stares around me. "You know I'm kidding," I rest my chin on his shoulder.

"You're mean to me…" he whines, surveying the food before him and running his hand over one of mine as it stays wrapped around him.

"And you pout like Raine," I inform him and he just growls more. "I'm sorry I keep poking fun," I apologize honestly this time. "I know you're a little frustrated," I whisper low, not wanting parts of this talk out in the open.

"Not little Ten, extremely," he flashes a half smile at one sophomore girl beside him and she giggles to her friends making me roll my eyes. "And…" he spins to face me and I stumble back a step, his strong hand catching me before I fall, like he knew I might, before he even turned. "All this making out and rubbing all on me isn't helping…" he informs me and I blush a bit when the same sophomore girl lets out a squeak and turns bright red.

"Colton…" I grit my teeth a bit, wanting to bury my face in his chest. "You don't like PDA but you will openly announce the talk of sex in public?" I question and his brows crease.

"Different things," he states and I give him a look.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, people aren't watching me have sex," he states like its completely different things.

"Silly boy," I slide my hand around him and grab my own tray of food. "Your logic is so out there," I move away from him to pay for my meal.

"No it's not," he follows behind me as I type in my number and flash the older woman a smile.

"Thank you," I tell her and she nods as Colton does the same behind me.

"Thanks," Colton tells her as he starts to follow after me. "But how is it not right?"

"Because that is embarrassing," I inform him and wiggle around all the tables to an open one. Very aware of the few wondering eyes on us, all seeming to trying to figure it out and feeling as a pair of blue ones bore into me, bitch truly hates me.

"So you're telling me you will make out in front of complete strangers but the talk of sex makes you blush?"

"Yes," I spin to face him, him for once almost slamming into me. Tired of always being the klutzy one. "Sex is private, personal between me and a person I truly care about. Not the whole world."

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