11. where I can't follow

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So just wanted to comment on a thing or two before posting this. I first wanted to say I somewhat disagree with some of the things I've received on this. Got a couple PMs stating you thought Colton wasn't Colton anymore and reaching a stage of pathetic. I wanted to state that is kinda the point.

He was the school run around and he fell in love. I wanted to show though it took him awhile to confess his feelings that they were so intense he is lost without her. He is pathetic and misses her and doesn't know how to function. That when the big tough guy falls in love he falls stupid in love and doesn't know how to handle when their heart hurts.

I also got a review on another story of mine from a person who reads my stories. She/he stated they hated the stories. That I ruin my characters and all but suck as a writer. I don't worry too much about these things because it's one person's opinion out of hundreds. However I do want to state a few things.

Writing is hobby for me. It is my outlet from stressful days and sometimes a crazy life. I love writing and I know I'm not the best. I think I've stated in a lot of my chapters I'm not and I don't try to brag about it. However, I do have people who enjoy my stories and tell me that. I also have people who will tell me what I need to improve and give me examples and I completely understand what they are saying and try to fix my writing with their comments. Even I can tell a difference from the very first story I've EVER written on these sites to now and I thank people who over the years have pointed out small things and I worked on. I don't mind those messages. I do however mind when someone doesn't even leave an email or log in so I can talk to them about what they hate. (Not that I would really take time out of my day to try with someone who clearly hates my stuff) But what I don't get is, isn't a story supposed to have drama in it? Wouldn't it be completely boring if I just made them all happy (like this person suggested) and ended the story? A story or a movie or TV show needs conflicted. That's at least what I believe. If you don't, then don't read stories because it's going to have something in it that isn't sweet and loving and fairytale like.

However, at the same time, why read my stories if you hate them so much? You commented and made mentions of a couple of my stories so why take time out of your busy day to read them? That is baffling to me. I'm not going to stop writing because one person wasn't hugged as a child and it made them grumpy, but I'm also not going to change my stories and characters because you don't like them.

I don't know what you mean, I don't really care because people who go out of their way to just be rude are people I don't like speaking with and since you hate my stories so much I'm sure you won't see this...though you have read all of them... but I just wanted to apologize to everyone who might suddenly hate my stories...or if you always have...

But my writing is my writing and other than working on grammar odds are high I'm not going to change how it is. But anyway...onto this insanely long chapter!

Also may have only a couple chapters left of this.

Hope you enjoy my shitty chapter! :)

Squeezing his eyes tight he felt he pain rip through his head. It was pounding, he swore it had never pounded so hard and he was sure he was about to vomit. Stretching out in the bed, he felt his entire body ache and he buried his head under his pillow in hopes to eliminate the light coming from the window.

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