|49| A Gamble

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I'm pretty sure that you knew that the last chapter was an April fools chapter. The only person I talk about the story and who gives me ideas and advice to makes the chapter is a good friend of mine who goes by the name Moonlight. We thought of this but then we were like this would make no sense because there was nothing in the other chapter that would back that story up but then we were, fuck it, let's just do it. The troublemakers are smart enough to know that it's not real. For that I'l be posting 3 hapter in a roww today!! I got so much work done! But here's the real chapter now, enjoy!


Later on the day, everyone in the class found that Kimura name means Justice. He complained about how he didn't like his name but then Hazama walks up to him complaining about how she does like her name either. How her name hows girly.

You got up and walk up to them, "Just be glad that your name isn't Dick or Perv or even Twocock," you tell them with a smile.

They look at you and then write your name on the board, "(Name) Amoljot Karasuma," Kayano says.

"There's nothing wrong with it," Maehara says.

"Of course, my parent loves me enough to not give me some weird name," you tell them.

"Getting saddle with a weird name, how do you poor bastards manage to coop," Karma asks with a smile as he joins.

"Hey," you say as you look at him with your arm crossed.

"Except you," Karma says as he put his hand on your hips and gives you a kiss on the cheek.

They then erased your name and wrote Karma's. "What? oh, come on. What's not to love being named Karma? Both of my parents have a bizarre taste so I guess I got it from them," Karma says.

"I'm not going to lie, Karma is a pretty cool name. I acually made a friend who was also named Karma. She didn't like it at first so she made people call her Marialuz only because it was her middle name but now she loves it. She acually started to show people what her names mean but she showed it through action, ahhh her and I, we were good friends," you say with a smile, "And Next, your parents do not have bizarre taste, they have amazing taste and your dad is awesome," you tell Karma.

"Hey, what's going on here?" James says with a smile as he walks in the classroom.

"James...? Huh, now that I start thinking, James and I are the only ones whose names aren't Japanese and easy to say, well other than Karma of course," you point out.

"We're talking about names?" James asks and you nod, "I don't know why but I found these in the faculty or to be more precise, in the octopus drawer," James says as he heads your pictures.

"What are these," you say as you take them.

"What's on them?" Kayano asks as she walks beside you.

"I want to see," Nakamura says as she also walks beside you.

When you look at the photos you started laughing your ass off. Kayano covers her mouth so that she doesn't let the laughter out and Nakamura starts to laugh as well.

"To think that he had that kind of hobby," James says looking at Karma.

Karma notice and walks up to you and takes the photo from your hand and looks at them, "H-how!" Karma questions.

There was a photo of Karma wearing a pink apron with a heart on it. It was cute and very girly. Another picture was with Karma's hair being very stylish. Another one was Karma looking pissed off with his nails done. They had little pudding drawing on them.

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