|69| Bodyguard

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"Ryu! You gotta hurry," you yell as you were making his lunch.

"I know, I know! Sorry!" Ryu says as he was getting his backpack ready.

Your phone then starts ringing. You answer, "Yes, I know. Just back me up. Keep them busy until I get there. Thanks, Kyle, I'll be there as quickly as I can," you say on the phone and then hang up.

"You're late?" Carlos asks as he gets himself a cup of coffee.

"Ha! Late? I'm around 10 minutes late. I have this thing to do and I have to take Ryu to school," you try to explain.

"I'm surprised Nena didn't come by," Carlos points out.

"Nena is sick today. She texted Ryu that she wasn't going to school today" you tell him.

"Mom, I'm ready!" Ryu says as he was ready to go to school.

"Here your lunch," you tell him as you give it to him. You then check the time, "Crap I'm super late now," you say.

"(Name), I'll take him to school," Carlos says.

"Really?" you and Ryu say at the same time.

"Mum! Can he? Please?" Ryu asks.

"Alright, he's the one who suggested but...! Carlos, put on a hat, sunglasses, something so that you don't attract too much attention. You're already famous and I don't need the school to know that my son knows, The Carlos Gandaki, a singer who became extremely famous at a young age," you say.

"Yeah, yeah. You ready to go Ryu?" Carlos asks him.

"Yeah!" Ryu says with a bright smile.

"Then let's get going," Carlos tells him with a smile.

Ryu puts on his shoes quickly and runs outside and waits by Carlos's car. "Thank you," you tell him.

Carlos smiles and then puts on a hat and sunglasses. You then went to work and Carlos took Ryu to school.

When Carlos was around two years old, you ran into Carlos on a job. You both went for a drink and caught up. He then asked you about how things were going on with you and Karma. You told him that you both broke up.

Carlos apologized for bringing up the subject. You told him it was fine. You then accidentally mentioned Ryu. Carlos was confused and wondered who Ryu was and you told him he was your son and that Karma was the father.

After that, you and Carlos stayed in contact. He would sometimes come and visit and help you around the house and with Ryu. You told him it wasn't necessary but he insisted. Ryu grew up looking up to Carlos. 

Carlos thought him how to play the guitar and other instruments as well. He shows Ryu the world of music and Ryu have been using those skills to impress Nena. Carlos is a famous singer and everything. He goes around the world a lot for concerts and when he comes back, he visits you and Ryu a lot.

You're grateful for Carlos being there and Ryu seems to like him a lot so you never really see it as a bother and you know that Carlos likes being there as well.

Once you got to work, you rush to where Kyle was. "And there she is! Please, everyone, this is the great, (Name) Amoljot Karasuma," Kyle says getting everyone's attention to you but you can tell by his expression that he had the look that says It's about time.

"H-Hi," you say with an awkward laugh.

-Time Skip-

"Lauren, how are we doing?" you ask.

"Everything is in place," Lauren tells you with a smile as he triples checks everything.

"Leo, statistics?" you ask him.

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