On The Pier

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Jimin had decided that only after five minutes he loved the pier. Jimin liked the way his legs dangled off the edge, and he liked seeing the fish swim below his feet. He liked how close the boats came to the pier. He would wave to the sailors on the boats, and sometimes they would wave back.

Jimin found himself sitting out there a lot during the duration of his stay. He would go down there with a book and read, or he would just sit and watch the boats go past and wave at the sailors. Some days he would bring bread and feed the ducks that waddled past in the water.They weren't as graceful as the sailboats. "They're the hip hop dancers of the ocean world," he explained to his mother one night at dinner. "Not so graceful but they can move!"  His mother had laughed at that. Other days Jimin would just sit and listen to the sounds of the ocean and the kids splashing in the water or the adults talking on the beach. Sometimes he would get and ice cream and just walk back and forth along the pier, admiring the scenery. It didn't matter what he was doing, as long as it was on the pier.

While he didn't know it at the time, that pier would become a significant part in Jimin's life. That pier would be the place where he held endless conversations with a boy, watch several firework shows,receive a...well you could classify it as a toy but maybe not one for kids, and it would be the spot where he would have his first kiss. Memories made on the same pier that his mother had met his father.

 And where Jimin would fall in love.

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