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SUGA SAT ON THE COUCH IN UTTER DISBELIEF. Namjoon and Jin stood in the kitchen watching him curiously, seeing as the man hadn't said a single word since coming inside over two hours ago.He just sat, with a shocked expression etched onto his features,starting blankly at the wall behind them. They had tried to get him to speak, but he hadn't said anything, and nothing they did seemed to break him out of the trance.

The two stood in the kitchen, watching him silently, wondering when he was going to move. Jin was pretty sure the younger might have died or something while sitting on the couch, but he was too nervous to check on him.

"Is he going to be okay?" Jin asked leaning into Namjoon's side, one arm coming around the younger's waist.

"I'm not too sure," Namjoon replied. "He was doing fine when Chim and Hoseok were still here, but he just sorta went blank afterwards."

"I think he misses him," Jin stated.

"Me too, but I think Suga would be more pouty than he would be...this," Namjoon made a weird hand gesture at whatever it was Suga was doing. "When I miss you I don' stare blankly at a wall for almost three hours,"

"Well neither do I but to each their own I guess," Jin replied. "Go and talk to him," he added, giving Namjoon a gentle push towards him. Namjoon and sighed, and made his way out of the kitchen area and over to sit by Suga's side.

"Suga,"he softly, nudging his shoulder gently. "Suga? Are you okay?" he didn't get a response. Suga seemed frozen in place, still staring at the wall. It made Namjoon uneasy. He gripped his shoulder a bit rougher and shook him. "Min Yoongi" the boy winced, and an old memory of when he was younger flashed in his mind.


Twelve year old Jimin gripped the older's t-shirt and shook him, trying to wake the other up from his deep sleep. It was currently one in the afternoon, and Jimin was bored out of his mind. He was spent most of the morning by himself down at the dock, wishing that Yoongi had been with him to keep him company. Yoongi groaned in defiance, and pulled the pillow up over his head.

"Go away," he mumbled, instantly falling back asleep.

"No, don't go back to bed, get up!" he whined, climbing up onto the bed,and straddling the older. He grabbed the pillow, and lifted it off his head. "Hyung! Get up!" Yoongi opened one eye and glared up at the younger.

"What do you want?"

"I wanna spend time with you! It's one in the afternoon and I've been by myself all morning." Jimin pouted.

"I wanna sleep," Yoongi grumbled, trying to roll onto his stomach.

"No sleep, up time," Jimin tried to argue. He let out a cry of surprise when the fourteen year old rolled over completely, taking him with him. Jimin suddenly found himself pinned under Yoongi, was cuddled up to him, and fell back asleep."Get off, hyung, you're heavy!" Jimin tried push him off but it didn't work. Jimin sighed in defeat. "Min Yoongi," he muttered. "get off....Yoongi?"


"Huh?" Yoongi shut his eyes, and took in a deep breath. When he reopened his eyes, Namjoon and Jin were staring at him concerned.

"Hey, welcome back," Jin said, crouching down in front of him. He furrowed his brows in confusion.

"What? Did I go somewhere?" He asked.

"Not really," Namjoon began. "You were here, but you weren't here. You haven't said anything for almost three hours. You've just sat here and stared atthe wall. We were getting worried about you. Are you okay?"

"N-No,not really," he admitted.

"What's wrong? You were doing fine this morning. Did Chim say something to you or-"

"Y-Yeah," Yoongi breathed. "He did, and I um- I'm sorry," Yoongi rested his elbows on his knees, and put his face in his hands, half laughing,half holding back tears as he tried to control himself.

"What is it?"

"J-Jimin, he-,"

"He what?" Jin asked. He grabbed onto Yoongi's hands and held them tightly.

"That was him," he whispered.

"What do you mean that was him?"

"Hoseok's friend..." Yoongi replied looking up at the two of them in disbelief. "That was Jimin," Namjoon's eyes widened, as did Jin's who draw just dropped.

"Are you sure? Like 100%?"

"Yes. I asked him what his friend's name was, because you said Hoseok toldyou that he was looking for someone, and he said my name, Hyung. Min Yoongi. That would explain why he- He said he used to come here when he was younger, but that he hadn't been here in roughly five years, and oh god, the fireworks! He was scared of them! I-"

"Yoongi breath,"

"He reminded me so much of him because that once him. It all makes sense now. The comment about sitting on the dock and watching the boats,a-a-and the fireworks. It was him this whole fucking time, and I'm such a idiot because I didn't realize that it was him." He let out a frustrated sound, rubbing his hand with his face. "Why didn't I recognize him!"

"Because it's been five years," Namjoon pointed out. "You haven't seen each other since he was fifteen. Not to mention he looks nothing like what he used to look like. We've seen the photos of the two of you, he's grown up Yoongi."

"Mother nature did him good," Jin added under his breath, causing Yoongi to chuckle.

"You got that right,"

"Plus,you've changed to. You're older, you don't look like a dork anymore –ow! Hey you know I'm right, don't hit me – and you've got tattoos as well."

"You don't stutter either," Jin stated. "Jimin's grown up with you and your stutter, not this version of you. You've changed just as much as he has." Yoongi nodded.

"You guys are right,"

"Of course we are," Jin teased. Yoongi playfully hit his shoulder.

"Are you going to tell him? Because we could call Hoseok and have him-"

"No, I wanna do it myself," Yoongi said. "Don't call Hoseok. I'll do it later,"

"Okay," Jin patted his knee. "We're glad you're okay, you were starting to scare us,"

"I'm sorry, I was just-"

"We know," Namjoon gave him a reassuring smile. "Just don't wait too long to tell him."

"I won't,"

i'm sorry that it's so short compared to the others, but now that Yoongi knows that it was Jimin, how long do you think it'll take for him to tell him?

Summer Lovin | Yoonmin ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora