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YOONGI SLAMMED HIS FISTS AGAINST THE WALLS OF HIS ROOM UNTIL HIS KNUCKLES WERE SORE. He knew they would be bruised to hell tomorrow and that would make playing much more difficult but he didn't care right now. He was angry and upset and a whole lot of other emotions were surfacing right now. He fucked up. He had so many opportunities to tell Jimin, and he didn't. And now, now he'd lost him forever to fucking Mark of all people.

He put his face in his hands and groaned. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" he cried out, slamming his fist against the wall once more. "You fucking idiot Min Yoongi," he whispered more quietly. He swallowed hard, and yanked open the door to his room, and stepped out into the front area of the dorm. He marched into the bathroom, stripped himself of his clothes, and turned the shower on. He didn't flinch at the hot water like he normally would. He just stayed under the boiling water, letting it run over him for several minutes, hoping that it might help calm him down, or at least distract him. He'd be too busy thinking about how much his skin was burning to think about the pain he was in.

He didn't stay under the water long, because after about a minute, his plan worked. It got to a point where the water was too hot that he was curing to hell and back as he stumbled out of the shower in search for a towel to dry himself off. Once he was dry, he returned to his room, threw on a pair of sweats and threw open his window as wide as it would go. He was blasted almost immediately with cold hair that made him shiver. Reaching into the drawer of his dresser, and pulled out his pack of smokes and lit one up. He took a long drag off of it, and blew the smoke out the window. He let his hand hang out the window so that the smoke wouldn't fill his room and set off the smoke alarm. That happened once. He'd been so drunk that he forgot to open a window and the whole room filled with smoke during his first year of university. It was not a pleasant night for anyone.

Yoongi ran a hand through his hair and took another drag off his smoke. He felt lost. What was he going to do now? There was no way in hell he could face Jimin now. The younger had moved on from him, and probably didn't want to see him again. And there was no way he could face Mark, because he knew that Mark would rub it in his face. Tell him that he hurt Jimin and probably get his ass kicked. Would he have to quit the team? So many horrible thoughts ran through his head that it gave him a headache. He flicked the cigarette out the window, and closed it. The smoke wouldn't have helped with that. He took a couple steps towards the bed, and flopped backwards onto it. He bounced once or twice because he mattress was fairly springy despite being worn out from past students sleeping in this dorm. He exhaled deeply. Shutting his eyes, he took a couple more deep breaths to help calm his nerves. He could feel his hands shaking, and the tears were threatening to fall. Yoongi had never been much of a crier, but Jimin was the one good thing in his life, so it felt right to want to cry over him. He'd spent so long waiting for him, and because of that, he was too afraid to open his mouth, to afraid to stop the waiting. He'd waited too long, and now Jimin was gone forever.

A single knock on his door was what stopped the immediate tears that threatened to fall. He sat up on his bed, wondering if he'd actually heard a knock or not. And there was another one, accompanied by a soft, "Suga?"

He was on his feet in seconds, and throwing open the door to his room,and then he was in front of the front door, but he hesitated to open it. His fingers curled slowly around the doorknob, and he pulled it open with caution. Jimin was standing on the other side of the door, peering up at him with his big brown eyes. The looked red and puffy and Yoongi wondered if he'd been crying, but why would he be crying? He had nothing to cry about. He was happy, wasn't he? "Hey," he whispered, trying to offer the older a smile, but it didn't work. His attempt was weak and he went back to frowning.

"What do you want?" Yoongi whispered back. Regardless of how quiet his voice was, the question came out more harsh than he'd intended it to. But Jimin didn't flinch. He was kind of expecting this. He figured he was angry with him.

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