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NAMJOON WAITED FOR YOONGI BY THE NUMBER 8 BUS STOP FOR A TOTAL OF FIVE MINUTES BEFORE PANICKING. Yoongi said he would be there in ten minutes, and while the older was known to be a few minutes late for almost everything, this situation was different. With all the shit that had gone down over the past three or so months, the worse case scenario fear was sinking in.

First, he called Yoongi's cell, and when he got his voicemail –"hey it's Yoongi, leave a message after the beep," – Namjoon began to get nervous. Next he, called Hoseok, wondering if Yoongi had sent him a text saying that he was going to be late getting to the station, but Hoseok said no. Then he called Jimin.

"No, he hasn't come home yet," Jimin mumbled quietly into the receiver. "Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, he's just supposed to meet me outside the metro, and he's not here yet. I'm sure he's okay. Probably ran into someone he knew, or had to use the washroom. I'm sorry for worrying you," Namjoon assured Jimin, trying to sound strong. And it worked, for the most part. Jimin didn't freak out, which was good. "I'll call you once he's here, okay?" Namjoon added.

"Okay," Jimin replied, and hung up.

Next he called Jin, told him that Yoongi hadn't arrived yet, and that he was worried. Jin was just finishing up his morning class, and would meet him at the station in twenty minutes. Maybe he'd run into Yoongi in the process. "You should call Taehyung and Jungkook," Jin suggested, before hanging up the phone. "They might be able to help." So that's exactly what he did. He called Jungkook first, and when he didn't pick up, he called Taehyung, who answered on the third ring. He explained his current situation to them, and how he was really hoping that Yoongi just caught up talking to someone.

"Have you told Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, but...I'm worried that something's happened to him."

"Okay, um...Jungkook and I can meet you there? And help you look for him? We can take the route he normally uses to get there,"

"That's a great idea. Thanks Tae,"

"No problem. I'll call you if we find him,"

"Thanks," and he hung up.

Namjoon shoved his phone in his pocket and took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. He's fine, he's fine, he's fine he told himself repeatedly. He's just busy. But was he really? What if something happened to him? What if he's not fine?What if Jaehyun got to him, and he's somewhere all alone or worse–

Namjoon shook the thought from his head when he saw Jin through the crowd of people. Jin gave him a defeated look when he reached him, and threw his arms around his neck. "I didn't see him, and I tried calling him but he didn't answer, plus I texted him – well it's more like I spammed him and you know how he hates being spammed, but he didn't even answer me then, Joonie, and I'm scared because what if-"

"Stop," Namjoon said, firmly, grabbing Jin by his shoulder. "Don't even say it,"


"No. Now I'm going to go inside, and check the washroom. I want you to stay here okay? Taehyung and Jungkook are on their way. Plus, Yoongi might show up at any point in time. Call me if you see anything." Jin nodded his head.

"Be safe,"

"I will,"

Taehyung and Jungkook hurried along the sidewalk, hands locked together as they went, eyes scanning every inch of their surroundings. They'd been walking for almost fifteen minutes and there had been no sign of Yoongi. Taehyung kept his phone pressed to his hear, repeatedly calling Yoongi over and over with no success of reaching him. But he wasn't giving up, he was going to reach him even if it killed him."He can't be hard to find," Jungkook stated, as they neared the station. "He's dressed in all black-"

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