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YOONGI WAS ENTIRELY LOST IN HIS MUSIC WHEN JIMIN SLIPPED QUIETLY INTO THE MUSIC ROOM AT QUARTER AFTER FIVE THAT MONDAY AFTERNOON. There were several other people in the room when Jimin arrived, so he made sure to be as quiet as possible. Jimin recognized one or two of them from his dance class, and they smiled at him when he tip toed past to where Yoongi was. He came up behind the older, and set his bag and coat gently on the ground beside him. Jimin then stood there patiently.

He didn't recognize the tune that Yoongi was playing; his mother would play classical music around the house all the time where he was child, so he was fairly familiar with most pieces. He watched as Yoongi's fingers danced delicately across the keys in swift, graceful movements. It reminded him of the sailboats that he used to see on the water back at the port. Jimin stayed completely still until the older stopped is movements. "You're really good," Jimin murmured,sliding his hands over the back of Yoongi's shoulders. Surprisingly,he didn't flinch. He only smiled.

"Thank you,"

"I don't recognized the piece," Jimin said, taking a seat next to him.

"I wrote it," Yoongi explained, and Jimin gasped.

"You wrote it?" he received a nod as an answer. "You never told me that you wrote music," Yoongi turned his face slightly, and gave him a small smile.

"Surprise," he laughed lightly. Jimin returned the smile, and lent into his side.

"Play for me?" he mused.

"Of course, any requests?"

"Mmm... play something else you wrote," Jimin suggested, and Yoongi complied. He raised his fingers to the keys again and began to play a soft,melodic tune. He didn't want to believe Mark. How could someone like Suga be so cold hearted? To flit from one person to another so easily with no regards to feelings? All because of some tattoos and a mysterious persona? Mark didn't know Suga like he did, not that Jimin knew a whole lot about Suga, but he knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't just drop him like that because of someone new.

Jimin was lost in thought that he didn't realize that Yoongi had stopped playing, until the older nudged him. "Huh?"

"I asked if you were okay, you seem pretty out of it," Yoongi whispered.

"I was just thinking," Jimin replied quietly.

"About what?"

"Something Mark said to me the other day...It's been on my mind all day," Yoongi frowned, and shifted himself so that he was now straddling the bench, and facing the younger. He pulled him closer to him, and cupped the sides of his face. Jimin could feel his heart racing.There was no way that Suga was just using him. Not with how he interacted with him.

"What did he say to you?" Yoongi said in a tone that was both soft and demanding. Jimin let out a sigh.

"He's jealous...because I'm spending time with you, and he...well I think he was trying to rile me up and it worked. He said that you were just using me. That...that you're only interested in sleeping with me until you find somebody better." Jimin explained in a tiny voice.He didn't want to look at the other, so his eyes were glued to the piano keys. Not for very long however, because the older was gripping his chin gently, and forcing him to look at him.

"That is not true," Yoongi said in the same tone as before. "I really like you, and I'm not going to leave you for someone else."

"You're not?" Jimin questioned. He felt bad about doubting him.

"No, Mark's just an asshole. Don't let him get to you dollface," Jimin blushed.

"You know I have a name right?" Jimin teased, scooting closer to the older so he could rest his head on his chest. Yoongi nodded.

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