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YOONGI MADE A FACE AS THE NURSE CAME INTO THE ROOM, NEEDLE IN HAND. She gave him a sympathetic look, as she stopped beside the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling today, Yoongi?" She asked, removing the needle cap, and sterilizing it.

"Better," he grunt, holding his arm out to the side.

"Does it hurt to breath?"

"A little bit, but not as bad as yesterday,"

"That's a good sign. It means things are healing properly."

"Wish they'd heal faster," he grumbled, wincing slightly as she stuck the needle in his arm.

"I know, but wounds like that take time. Especially stab wounds. I wouldn't get your hopes up about getting discharged." Yoongi made another face. He didn't lie the fact that the doctors wouldn't discharge him, and let him go home. Each day that he spent in the hospital meant another day that he wasn't at home, another day that he couldn't spend protecting Jimin. It worried him, spending all day in the hospital, wondering if he was okay. Sure he texted him, and called, but what about when he was in class? And commuting? Or when he was walking somewhere in a hurry and couldn't pick up his phone? It stressed him out immensely, and that could be part of the reason why the doctors wouldn't let him go. Maybe it was the stress that was keeping him there.

Yoongi laid back in the hospital bed, eyes nervously glancing at the clock every 5 seconds. Jimin was supposed to be coming to visit him soon,hopefully with his school work so he could catch up on what he missed. He'd spent most of his time composing music while being stuck in the hospital, and then emailing it to his professor. It wasn't enough, but it was a good start at keeping his grades up. He might have to take a summer program to make the mark better though.

He reached over and grabbed his phone off the night stand, and unlocking it. Jimin had texted him five minutes ago, but he hadn't responded to Yoongi's text. He knew the younger was on his way, but he couldn't help but freak out over the fact that he didn't respond. It gave him some comfort knowing he'd seen it though. He turned his phone off,and sighed. He just wanted Jimin.

Thankfully he didn't need to wait long, because pretty soon Jimin was waltzing into the room with a stack of papers, with a disgruntled looking Mark trailing behind him. "Hi baby," Jimin breathed, setting the paper the small bedside table.

"Hey," Yoongi replied, tugging the younger by sleeve. Jimin bent down for a kiss.

"Hey, save the PDA," Mark huffed. Yoongi pulled back from Jimin's lips,and frowned.

"What are you doing here?"

"Someone had to make sure he got here in one piece," Mark said, rolling his eyes. "You're stuck in here, and can't do it, and Hoseok was busy. Didn't need him ending up in a hospital bed next to you," Yoongi wanted to be sarcastic, but he kept his mouth shut and nodded. He was appreciative that Mark was putting aside their differences and taking the time to make sure Jimin was okay.


"Don't mention it. I gotta go, but you'll be fine, right Jimin?" Jimin peered over his shoulder and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. I have someone coming to pick me up later,"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow?"


"See ya,"

"Bye Mark," Jimin waved goodbye as the older exited the hospital room. Yoongi relaxed once he was gone.

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