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JUNG HOSEOK TRAILED BEHIND JIMIN, POUTING. He'd been trying all morning – with no luck whatsoever – to convince him to accompany him to a party. Jimin had scrunched up his face in disgust. Parties were not his thing. The last time Jimin attended a party, he and Taehyung woke up naked in the same bed with matching flower tattoos on their wrists. He vowed never again. Parties were more Hoseok's scene. He was the outgoing one, the energetic one. Ever since he'd started his schooling at one of Seoul's most prestigious art schools, all of Jimin's energy went out the door. He'd started off as a visual arts student, and by the time he was 18, he had also become a dance student as well, showing incredible talent for contemporary dance, ballet, and a little bit of hip hop.

The younger opened up one of the cupboards in his parents apartment, and took down a coffee mug. He placed a tea bag inside, and put the kettle on, highly aware of the fact that Hoseok was still standing there, pouting at him, arms crossed over his chest like a grumpy child who's not getting what they want. "No," Jimin said, turning his back even more to Hoseok.

"Please," Hoseok whined. "Pretty, pretty please?"

"My answer is no,"

He grabbed a packet of yogurt covered pretzels from another cupboard, and popped it open. He shoved one into his mouth. "I'm busy," Jimin added, covering his mouth with his hand as he chewed. Hoseok uncrossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Busy doing what? Drawing your boyfriend? Watching re-runs of k-dramas?" Jimin blushed when Hoseok said boyfriend.

"He's not my boyfriend, Hyung," Jimin mumbled. "He was just a friend."

"Same thing," Hoseok said, waving his hands. "You never get out anymore, you're either working on dance or your art, or you're cooped up at home eating ice cream and watching k-dramas. You need to get out and live a little. AND IT'S SUMMER TOO! THE LAST WEEK!" Hoseok dramatically pointed out. "You need to get out of the house Jiminie."

The kettle clicked. Jimin spun around, occupying himself with making his tea. The smell of lemon wafted through the apartment as the hot water boiled over the tea bag, turning the water to a yellowish colour.

"I don't have to do anything," Jimin replied grumpily. "It's summer as you so helpfully pointed out, which means I'm not obligated to do anything. Absolutely nothing thank you very much."

"Jimin," Hoseok groaned.

"Hoseok," Jimin mocked. Jimin shuffled out of the kitchen with his tea and pretzels and headed for the living room where he left his sketchbook propped open against the armrest of the couch, and his program paused on the tv. He sat down the couch, legs crossed in front of him. He set the tea on the table and pulled the sketchbook into his lap.

"Please, Jimin?" Hoseok begged once more. Jimin rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Why don't you ask Jungkook to go with you?" Jimin questioned,casting him a glance. "He's always up for a good party, you know that. Or even Taehyung, go ask him, I'm sure he'd love to go. He never leaves the house either." he muttered.

"I already did," Hoseok flopped down next to Jimin on the couch."But Jungkook's busy this weekend, and Taehyung already made plans to go see a movie with some of the kids from class. I wouldn't be asking you to come with me if I had the choice of going with someone else. You're my last resort, Chim,"

"Gee thanks Hyung, glad to know that."

"Ugh! You're a pain, Jimin,"

The younger smiled, shoving another pretzel in his mouth. "You love me," Jimin grinned. Hoseok slung an arm over Jimin's shoulder."I'm being serious though, I wouldn't be asking you to come if I had someone else to go with. Besides, I thought you might like to come this time,"

"Why on earth would I want to do that when I can stay home and draw and watch Fight My Way?" Jimin exclaimed, throwing his hands dramatically into the air.

"Because this party is being held at that place you like to go to when you were younger. Your parents called it the....the port?"

Jimin choked on a pretzel. Hoseok glanced over at his friend with concern."Jimin are you okay?" he asked, placing a hand on his back. Jimin nodded, waving him off with a hand. He took a sip of his tea, closed his eyes and inhaled. "Are you sure? I wasn't expecting you to react like that,"

"I'm fine," Jimin squeaked. He let out a deep breath, took another sip of tea, and thought for a moment.

It had been five years since Jimin last was at the port. Five years. It felt like yesterday he was on the pier with Yoongi, resting comfortably in his lap, lip locked in a kiss with him. A soft blush rose to his cheeks and a tiny small graced his face at the memory. He remembered running his hands through Yoongi's hair, and peppering his face with multiple kisses, trying to get the older to laugh instead of cry. The thought of possible going back to where it all started excited Jimin, and what sealed the deal for him was the possibility that he might get a chance to see Yoongi. It was wishful thinking on his part, but he could remember 17 year old Yoongi promising to wait for him. Maybe....just maybe Yoongi would be there to, and even if he wasn't Jimin would hate himself if he didn't at least attempted to find out. He sighed, and with a wider grin, looked back over at Hoseok. "Fine," Jimin said, "I'll go with you, but you owe me! Big time!" he added, pointing at Hoseok as the elder jumped to his feet screaming triumphantly.

"You're the best, Chim!" Hoseok exclaimed, hugging Jimin tightly. Jimin chuckled. Hoseok let go of him, and grabbed his car keys off the little table by the front door of the apartment. "I'LL TEXT YOU LATER!" he shouted, rushing out of the apartment. Jimin rolled his eyes, and settle back against the couch to finish his program.

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