Subtle Touches & Sideways Glances

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Yoongi had a bad habit of touching Jimin. He couldn't help it. He liked him, and being apart from him bothered him immensely.

Yoongi had never been a fan of affection. Hugging, hand holding, whatever it was, he didn't like it really, because he wasn't a fan of being touched by other people.

Jimin had always been a bit clingy growing up. He loved affection,he liked being held, or having someone play with his hair. So it was natural for him to cling to Yoongi, always wanted to hug the older,or hold his hand. And Yoongi didn't seem to mind when he did it, so he never saw a problem with it. Of course, Jimin always made sure to ask, just in case Yoongi did mind, but Yoongi didn't. He just couldn't help himself.

And it all started with a look. They'd been sitting at the pier when Jimin finally got bored. The boats were slowly docking for the night,and the sky was darkening. "Hyung, let's do something," he said, peering over at him with a soft expression. When Yoongi glanced up,his breath hitched in his throat, and he had to force himself to keep looking at Jimin's face, and not anywhere else. His sweater was a bit too big for him, and it draped over his shorts, covering most of them. The sleeves were long, and floppy. He looked innocent.Childish, and Yoongi had to remind himself that Jimin was still a boy. Not even thirteen yet. It bothered him, because Yoongi was positive that if Jimin were his age, he would have initiated something with him right then and there. He probably would have lent over and kissed him if he could have. But he couldn't. Not yet.

Normally, Jimin was the one who initiated everything. He was always the one to grab his hand and pull him in every direction, or hug him when he saw him coming down the street. He was always the one brushing his hair out of his face for him before he had the chance to. But Yoongi could help it when he reached out and grabbed his hand, hoisting the younger to his feet. Yoongi made sure to lace their fingers together so that Jimin couldn't get away from him. But he didn't seem to mind. "Wanna ca-catch a m-movie? I th-think they're p-p-playing one to-tonight," Yoongi suggested. Jimin nodded his head rapidly, and Yoongi laughed in response. "Come on then," and he was tugging Jimin with him as they went. Since then, Yoongi can't help himself. When he saw Jimin coming, he was already pulling him in for a hug before the younger got the chance. He was holding Jimin's hand when they walked. Jimin liked that he didn't have to ask Yoongi anymore if he could touch him. Occasionally he would forget,and do it anyways, and then let go just in case he over stepped, but Yoongi was always quick to bring him right back. It felt natural for them, like they'd been doing it all their lives. They were comfortable. Of course, there were always those nights when Yoongi would spend the night, and they'd be sharing the same bed. Yoongi was always hesitant with his touches, and while Jimin noticed, he said nothing of it. He didn't want his friend to be uncomfortable around him. It always took awhile, but eventually Yoongi relaxed and would pull him close so they could sleep. Part of Yoongi believed that he shouldn't be so close to Jimin. He was young, and Yoongi felt guilty,like he was taking advantage of him. But he couldn't bring himself to push him away. Not now. He was too attached.

Love was weird.

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