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JIMIN FELT LIKE THROWING UP. So that's exactly what he did, inside the hospital bathroom at half past two in the afternoon with Hoseok behind him, trying to calm his nerves.

When he got the call, he was in denial. He yelled, and screamed and cried for a solid hour before Hoseok was able to get him up off the floor. And then when they reached the hospital, he cried and screamed a little more until he felt like throwing up.

His attacker had really roughed him up. Yoongi's eye was black, his lip was split, but thankfully his nose wasn't broken. Just badly bruised. His face had several scratches on his, as did his hands, which had been wrapped in bandages. He had bruises all over his chest, and back seeing as he'd been kicked multiple times. Several rips were cracked, and he had one strategically placed stab wound in his lower abdomen. Whoever wanted him hurt – whether it be Jaehyun or someone employed by him – hadn't wanted him dead, just...banged up.

Seeing Yoongi unconscious in the hospital bed broke him. It made him sick to his stomach, and the constant beeping of the heart monitor taunted him from where he stood. Each ping brought him more and more pain, and eventually Jimin found himself on his knees, hands covering his ears, crying uncontrollably.

It's your fault

Yoongi would have been okay if you hadn't gone home

You should have stayed

Stupid idiot

It pained him too much to be in the same room as him, but Jimin couldn't bring himself to walk away. He couldn't leave him. Not again. So he stayed, curled up on the floor at the edge of the bed, tears falling from his eyes. "Please wake up," he begged silently, burying his face in his hands. "please,"


Jin sat quietly next to the bed, partially listening to Namjoon and Hoseok speak to the officer that was stationed outside their room. He was more focused on Yoongi's face, and the slight – yet steady – rise and fall of his chest. It was a sigh that he was still breathing. Granted, the heart monitor was right behind him, and he could hear it beating rhythmically, but seeing him breathing calmed his nerves.

Jin leaned over slightly and brushed some of Yoongi's hair out of his face. He studied his features with a frown. His wounds would take weeks to heal, and he would be in a lot of pain when he woke up. "If he wakes up," Jungkook had mumbled, when the doctor was explaining Yoongi's condition to them. He received a smack from Hoseok for that one, but the thought nagged away at Jin. The doctor said he was expected to make a full recovery, and that they'd know more when he woke up, but Jin was concerned that he wouldn't wake up. Or worse, he would, but he wouldn't remember anything. The doctor said Yoongi had a mild concussion, and that there was a good chance that he could wake up with little memory of what happened. Jin had been thankful Jimin was not present for that conversation, otherwise he would have been in hysterics.

Jin let out a sigh, and absentmindedly traced the outline of one of Yoongi's tattoos. "You gotta wake up," he whispered to him. "For Jimin, he's worried sick about you, and he's punishing himself over this. He thinks it's his fault. He didn't say that to us, but we overheard him saying it to himself. It's not his fault."

The only response he received was the beeping of the machine behind him. He let out another sigh and lent back in his chair. The plastic chair was very uncomfortable, but he refused to move from his friend's side.

"Yoongiplease," Jin whispered.

"Hyung?" came a soft voice from behind him. Jin twisted around in his chair. Jimin stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his oversized sweater. Well, it was oversized on him, but it fit Yoongi just well. He looked so small and fragile standing there, tears still pouring down his chubby cheeks, despite his best efforts to wipe them away. Jin pulled his hands away from Yoongi's arm and rose to his feet, holding his arms out. Jimin shuffled into the room and practically collapsed into Jin's arms, sobbing loudly. His hands clutched at the fabric of Jin's pink shirt, fisting it in his fingers. "I don't want him to die!" he wailed, body shaking with every sob. Jin sniffled a bit, hugging Jimin as tightly as he could.

"He's not going to die," Jin told him, his voice cracking. "The doctor said he was going to wake up any minute now, we just have to be patient,"

"I don't want to be patient! I just got him back, I can't loose him all over again!"

"Breathe, Jimin, breathe," Jin whispered, rubbing his back soothingly. "He's not going anywhere. I'll kick his ass if he even thinks about it." Jimin let out a strangled laugh half sob noise, and looked up at him.

"It's my fault," he whispered quietly.

"No it's not. Don't you ever blame yourself for this, you didn't do anything," Jin scolded.


"No buts, Jimin,"

"Okay," he hung his head. Jimin lifted it shortly afterwards, and looked over to where Yoongi lay. He pulled away from Jin, and walked over to him. He lent down and kissed him on the forehead. "Wake up please." he whispered. "I need you," unsurprisingly, his answer was the same as Jin's.

The machine beeped.

sorry this one's so short, I was unsure of how to write it, and I didn't really want to drag it on

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