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JIMIN SHIVERED LIGHTLY AS HE WALKED DOWN THE STREET WITH HIS MYSTERIOUS NEW FRIEND. The blond peered over at him and raised a brow. "Cold?" he questioned, to which Jimin nodded slightly. He watched him shrug his leather jacket off his shoulders, and held it open for him. Jimin felt his face heat up again for the millionth time that night as he allowed him to slip the jacket on over his sweater. The pink clashed with the black leather,but in a good sort of way. "Better?" he mused, smirking at him.

"Much," Jimin replied. " you have a name, Mister? Or do I need to make one up for you?"

"It's Suga," he stated, and it was Jimin's turn to raise a brow.

"Is that your real name?"

"No,it's just a nickname. I'm too fond of my real name...too many memories associated with it. Good ones, but not as many as the bad ones. Only my friends have the luxury of addressing me by my real name,"

"What does Suga stand for?"

"Shooting Guard," he said.

"You play basketball?"

"Yep, it's short for my position. Basketball helped me get through a tough time in my life, as did music,"

"Are you a musician?" Jimin asked excitedly. Suga laughter echoed through the night air. He motioned for the younger to follow him as he took a left turn, and led them down a dimly lit alley way, and onto a more deserted street. The loud music of the party could be faintly heard by this point, and there were only a few couples and groups of people walking down the street now.

"You could say that," Suga explained, once they were back on track.

"What's your passion?" Suga fell silent for a moment, thinking. "Suga? I'm sorry if I offended you, I-"

"You didn't offend me Dollface," he chuckled. "'m just not used to being asked such a question, that's all. You're okay. And to answer that, I would have to say Rap. It helped me get through high school.Helped me put my words onto a page so that people could understand what I was going through,"

"Do you study music? Or do you not go to school?"

"I'm currently on a sports scholarship, but come the fall, I'm going to be starting a music program, so that I can pursue both of my passions,"

"Will it be geared towards Rap or-"

"No,it'll be classical. My mother loved playing the piano, and got me hooked on it too."

"You can play the piano?" Jimin asked, although he already new the answer. He glanced at Suga with curious eyes. He didn't seem like the kind of a person who played the piano. Not with his bleach blond hair, his tattoos, and piercing eyes. He didn't mean to judge the book by the cover, there were plenty of people at his school who looked like him, who were amazing artists, but only so few of them were in a classical or contemporary genre.

"You're surprised,"

"I don't mean to be," Jimin apologized. "Most of the people I know who are in the classical genre don't look anything like you, and I mean that in the nicest way possible."

"I understand. I look like I fit in more with the hip hop crowd than I do in the contemporary,"

"You could fit into my art class just fine though. A lot of the kids in there have tattoos. Our teacher says its a form of self expression.She's covered in them." Suga chuckled.

"So you're an artist?"

"Mmmm," Jimin hummed in response. "I'm an art and dance major."

"What style of dance?"

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