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JIMIN GASPED, SPINNING AROUND QUICKLY, AND BACKING AWAY FROM THE FIGURE. It reached out and flicked the light on, and the room was illuminated with a blinding light. Mark cocked his head to the side, smiling devilishly at him. Jimin's heart was racing in his chest, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. He wanted to run, but his feet were glued to the floor. He couldn't find the courage to run. A frown graced Mark's features. "You look surprised baby," he said, mocking hurt.

"Y-You, but I-"

"You thought I was somebody else?" He snickered. "Don't you recognize me Jimin?" Jimin swallowed thickly. Now that he was standing there, he couldn't deny the fact that he recognized the man he had know when he was still a teen. It truly was him, with those piercing green eyes and sharp jawline.

"You've been here the whole time," Jimin choked out. Mark nodded his head. "H-How?"

"It was easier than I thought," he said, taking one step forward. Jimin took one back."All I had to do was dye my hair, change my name, and then wait a few years for me to slip from your mind. And it worked, because you didn't recognized me that day in the hall. But I recognized you, how could I not, you're still so beautiful." He took another step towards Jimin.

"You stay away from me, I hate you!" Jimin spat. "You hurt me, you- you hurt Yoongi-"

"Don't you say his name," he growled back. "Don't you fucking dare,"

"Why not? You don't own me, I-"

"YOU. ARE.MINE!" Jaehyun shouted. "Mine! Not that slimy fuckers! He doesn't know you, Jimin, not like I do."

"You don't know anything about me. Yoongi-"

"I SAID DON'T SAY HIS NAME!" Jaehyun yelled again, marching towards him. Jimin flinched, and tried to back away, but tripped and fell backwards. He landed on the floor with a thud, and whimpered. Jaehyun's angry expression turned to a soft one, and he crouched down in front of Jimin. "I'm sorry for yelling, I know you don't like that," he cooed, reaching out and stroking Jimin's cheek.

"Don't touch me," Jimin said, turning his head away, Jaehyun gripped his chin tightly, pulling his face back to look him in the eye.

"Don't look away from me when I'm talking to you," he whispered darkly. Fear rose in Jimin. Jaehyun let go of his chin. Jimin rubbed the sore spot with his hands. "You know I don't like it when you disobey," Jimin glared at him.

"You don't own me anymore Jaehyun," he muttered.

"Oh, baby, you think you can leave me? You think you can just leave and be with him? After everything we've been through? He doesn't deserve you. I know what he's like, Jimin, I've seen him play people like a puppet on a string, and sleep around because he can."

"You don't know him, you're just jealous because I'm happy and that you're not the cause of it! You're sick and twisted Jaehyun. You don't own me, you don't get to hurt me, and then waltz back into my life just when it was starting to be perfect because I'm not your baby anymore. I was never yours. I was always Yoongi-" Jimin squeaked as a searing pain rippled through his body. He brought a hand up to his cheek, feeling the burn of where Jaehyun's hand made impact.

"I told you not to say his name,"he hissed. "You should be thankful that I let him live, Jimin. I could have killed him just as easily. And if you want him to stay alive, I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut." Tears formed in the corner's of Jimin's eyes.

"I hate you," he whimpered. "I HATE YOU!"

Another slap, this time much harder that the last. "SHUT UP!" Jimin cried a little harder. "STOP CRYING YOU PATHETIC BOY!" he screamed at Jimin. But Jimin didn't stop crying. Jaehyun's shouting only made it worse. Fear and panic filled his chest. Jimin had been fearing this day for almost five years, and it had finally come. This was it. He just prayed Jaehyun wouldn't take it too far and kill him.

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