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"OH HOW I'VE MISSED YOU!" Taehyung dramatically threw his arms around Hoseok and Jimin as they entered the door room. Jimin nearly dropped the box he was holding, and had to clutch it to his chest.

"We missed you to, Tae," Hoseok replied, giving the boy a one armed hug.

"Who wouldn't?" he mused, letting them go. "KOOKIE! Our favourite boys are back!"

A much younger boy dressed in blue jeans and a white button up stuck his head out of the one room. "Hi Hyung!" he chirped, shuffling forwards to hug them. Jimin motioned for Taehyung to grab the box in his hand and set it down for him so that he could properly hug Jungkook.

"How was your summer?" Hoseok asked, ruffling the younger's hair.

"It was good, how about yours?"

"I met the men of my dreams," Hoseok said, closing his eyes and holding his hands to his chest.

"Um...Men?" Taehyung question, looking at him funnily. He was opening up a box labeled linen, whilst simultaneously digging through a big plastic bin for something.

"Yes, men, Taehyung." Hoseok sighed, giving his friend a look.

"Hoseokie met two men in a polyamorous relationship, meaning they love morethan one person at a time. They took a liking to him. I had to practically drag him away from them when it was time to come home." Jimin explained. "I'll be right back, I still left some boxes in your car hyung,"

"I'll get them. I have to bring up my things anyways." Hoseok replied.

"I'm coming with, then I can show you our dorm on the way so that you know where it is," Jungkook piped up. He and Hoseok exited the room,leaving Jimin and Tae to unpack and settle into their dorm for the year. Jimin began unloading all the things he had brought up in the bin, and Taehyung shuffled around the room, putting things in their respective place. Cups in the cupboard, shampoo in the bathroom, that sort of thing.

"Did you have a nice summer, Jimin?" he asked as they unpacked.

"I did. Hoseok managed to get me out of the house for a week," Jimin explained.

"Wait seriously? The Park Jimin left the house? For a whole week? Somebody alert the press, Jimin's gone loco! HEY!" Taehyung dodged as Jimin took a swing at him, laughing.

"I hate you! You're so mean to me," Jimin whined.

"I wuv you!" Tae teased, pinching Jimin's cheeks. Jimin swatted at him playfully. "Where'd you guys go?" Taehyung asked after letting him go. He picked up his bedding and tossed it into his room.

"To the port," Jimin replied.

"You mean that place you always talk about?"

"Yeah. Hoseok wanted to go to a party and-"

"Holdup? You got out of the house? And you went to a party?" Taehyung placed the back of his hand against his forehead. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes I'm fine." Jimin remarked. "I didn't stay for long anyways, I left with a boy,"

"Did you sleep with him?"

Jimin went as red as his sweater. Taehyung's eyes went wide and he gasped. "PARK JIMIN!"

Hoseok and Jungkook had just returned as the words tumbled out of Taehyung's mouth causing both of them to freak. "What?" Jungkook questioned."What happened, what did you do?" The younger was looking around the room frantically at his three friends.

"He slept with a boy!" Taehyung accused. "He hooked up with a boy at a party!"

"WHAT?!" Jungkook was shocked, and then his expression turned to confusion. "Wait, when did you go to party? Hyung what are you telling us?"Jungkook crossed his arms like a disappointed parent.

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